Group: IncludeMe Members: Michele Tessari, David Karbon
Main Functions | Descriptions |
void loadImage(cv::Mat & img_out,const std::string & config_folder) |
This function can be used to replace the simulator camera and test the developed pipeline on a set of custom image. |
void genericImageListener(const cv::Mat & img_in,std::string topic,const std::string & config_folder) |
Generic listener used from the image listener node. |
bool extrinsicCalib(const cv::Mat & img_in,std::vector< cv::Point3f > object_points,const cv::Mat & camera_matrix,cv::Mat & rvec,cv::Mat & tvec,const std::string & config_folder) |
Finds arena pose from 3D(object_points)-2D(image_in) point correspondences. |
void imageUndistort(const cv::Mat & img_in,cv::Mat & img_out,const cv::Mat & cam_matrix,const cv::Mat & dist_coeffs,const std::string & config_folder) |
Transforms an image to compensate for lens distortion. |
void findPlaneTransform(const cv::Mat & cam_matrix,const cv::Mat & rvec,const cv::Mat & tvec,const std::vector< cv::Point3f > & object_points_plane,const std::vector< cv::Point2f > & dest_image_points_plane,cv::Mat & plane_transf,const std::string & config_folder) |
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points. |
void unwarp(const cv::Mat & img_in,cv::Mat & img_out,const cv::Mat & transf,const std::string & config_folder) |
Applies a perspective transformation to an image. |
bool processMap(const cv::Mat & img_in,const double scale,std::vector< Polygon > & obstacle_list,std::vector< std::pair< int, Polygon >> & victim_list,Polygon & gate,const std::string & config_folder) |
Process the image to detect victims, obtacles and the gate |
bool findRobot(const cv::Mat & img_in,const double scale,Polygon & triangle,double & x,double & y,double & theta,const std::string & config_folder) |
Process the image to detect the robot pose |
bool planPath(const Polygon& borders, const std::vector& obstacle_list, const std::vector<std::pair<int,Polygon>>& victim_list, const Polygon& gate, const float x, const float y, const float theta, Path& path, const std::string& config_folder) |
Plan the path according to chosen mission. |
void genericImageListener(const cv::Mat &img_in, std::string topic, const std::string &config_folder)
image_in [in]
Input image to store -
topic [in]
Topic from where the image is taken -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
function to save the images from the camera to be used in a second moment to calculate the distortion parameters of the camera or for other purpose.
The function creates the folder (from the configuration default path) where to save the images and, if it already exists, it continues to try with another name until it will find one. Then it shows the image of the current visual of the camera and (if 's' is pressed) it saves the image in the folder. Otherwise, if 'esc' is pressed, the program will close.
bool extrinsicCalib(const cv::Mat &img_in, std::vector<cv::Point3f> object_points,
const cv::Mat &camera_matrix, cv::Mat &rvec, cv::Mat &tvec, const std::string &config_folder)
image_in [in]
Input image to store -
object_points [in]
3D position of the 4 corners of the arena, following a counterclockwise order starting from the one near the red line. -
camera_matrix [in]
3x3 floating-point camera matrix -
rvec [out]
Rotation vectors estimated linking the camera and the arena -
tvec [out]
Translation vectors estimated for the arena -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
First the function check if it already exists the file with the measurement of the points of the arena precedently setted. If the file doesn't exists, it will appear a image of the camera where will be asked to the user to click in the four corner of the arena in counterclockwise order. After, using the function "solvePnP" are computed the rotation and translation vectors of the camera.
false if there are some errors, true otherwise
void imageUndistort(const cv::Mat &img_in, cv::Mat &img_out, const cv::Mat &cam_matrix,
const cv::Mat &dist_coeffs, const std::string &config_folder)
image_in [in]
distorted image -
image_out [out]
undistorted image -
camera_matrix [in]
3x3 floating-point camera matrix -
dist_coeffs [out]
distortion coefficients [k1,k2,p1,p2,k3] -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
It removes the distortion of the lens of the camera from the image in input from the parameters computed during the camera calibration phase.
Since it's sufficient to calculate the calibration matrix to transform the image only one time, The function, when it's called the first time, it uses initUndistortRectifyMap() to compute the two maps of the two axis X and Y of the calibration matrix. Finally, everyyime the function is called, it computes the undistorted image with the function "remap()" using the 2 maps precedently calculated.
- Distorted image:
- Undistorted image:
void findPlaneTransform(const cv::Mat &cam_matrix, const cv::Mat &rvec, const cv::Mat &tvec,
const std::vector<cv::Point3f> &object_points_plane,
const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &dest_image_points_plane, cv::Mat &plane_transf,
const std::string &config_folder)
camera_matrix [in]
3x3 floating-point camera matrix -
rvec [in]
Rotation vectors estimated linking the camera and the arena -
tvec [in]
Translation vectors estimated for the arena -
object_points_plane [in]
3D position of the 4 corners of the arena, following a counterclockwise order starting from the one near the red line. -
dest_image_points_plane [in]
destinatino point in px of the object_points_plane -
plane_transf [out]
plane perspective trasform (3x3 matrix) -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
It computes the transformation matrix to unwrap the image from the points taken before.
using "projectPoints()" function, findPlaneTransform() projects the 3D points to a 2D image plane and then with "getPerspectiveTransform()" it computes the 3x3 perspective transformation of the corrisponding points.
void unwarp(const cv::Mat &img_in, cv::Mat &img_out, const cv::Mat &transf, const std::string &config_folder)
image_in [in]
input image -
image_out [out]
unwarped image -
transf [in]
plane perspective trasform (3x3 matrix) -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
it applys the transformation to convert the 3D points in a 2D plane.
using "warpPerspective()" function it applies the transformation computed by "findPlaneTransform()" to unwrap the image and get a top-view visualization
- unwraped image:
bool processMap(const cv::Mat &img_in, const double scale, std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list,
std::vector<std::pair<int, Polygon>> &victim_list, Polygon &gate, const std::string &config_folder)
image_in [in]
input image -
scale [in]
scale parameter to bring a pixel in meters -
obstacle_list [out]
list of obstacle polygon (vertex in meters) -
victim_list [out]
list of pair victim_id and polygon (vertex in meters) -
gate [out]
polygon representing the gate (vertex in meters) -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
Process the image to detect victims, obstacles and the gate.
code flow: obstacles detection
- convert input image in hsv colorspace
- use a colorfilter to sort the objects in different masks (red for obstacles and green for victims and the gate)
- apply in the red mask the dilate and erode morphological transformations
- extract contour of the obstacles with findContours(), approximate them with approxPolyDP() and finally scale them
- control the area of the obstacles. If it is too small, discard it
- Assign the found obstacles in the output list
- Red mask matrix, on which the shape detection is done:
code flow: victims detection
- apply in the green mask the dilate and erode morphological transformations
- extract contour of the victims and the gate with findContours(), approximate them with approxPolyDP(), scale them and finally extract the gate by controlling its contour size: The contour with minium number of vertices is the gate
- victims elaboration process:
- consider the obstacles with a min area of 500 and contour size greater than the smallest one
- remove the green surrounding using as a mask the not operation of the green mask
- load the template numbers and flip them to match the camera perspective transformation applied in unwarp()
- run the number detection for every boundingBox:
- extract the region of interest from the image with the boundingBox
- resize it to template size
- compare the detected numbers with the templates trying 4 different rotation (90 degrees) and compute the matching score
- select the template according to the heighest matching score
- save the pair of the matched template numbers and scaled victims in a ordered map to sort them
- copy the ordered map into the output vector
- Green mask matrix:
True if one gate is found, otherwise return false
bool findRobot(const cv::Mat &img_in, const double scale, Polygon &triangle,
double &x, double &y, double &theta, const std::string &config_folder)
image_in [in]
input image -
scale [in]
1px/scale = X meters -
x [out]
x position of the robot in the arena reference system -
y [out]
y position of the robot in the arena reference system -
theta [out]
yaw of the robot in the arena reference system -
config_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
find the position and rotation of the robot
- convert input image in hsv colorspace
- filter the blue areas out of the hsv image
- find the contour of the robot triangle using findContours()
- approximate the contours
- look for the triangle contour by ignoring all the areas which are too small or too big and the contours with the wrong number of edges
- scale the found triangle contour
- compute the position and rotation vectors of the robot (center of gravity and rotation relative to the x axis)
- blue mask:
True if the robot was found
bool planPath(const Polygon& borders, const std::vector<Polygon>& obstacle_list,
const std::vector<std::pair<int,Polygon>>& victim_list,
const Polygon& gate, const float x, const float y, const float theta,
Path& path, const std::string& config_folder);
borders [in]
border of the arena [m]obstacle_list [in]
list of obstacle polygon [m]victim_list [in]
list of pair victim_id and polygon [m]gate [in]
polygon representing the gate [m]x [in]
x position of the robot in the arena reference systemy [in]
y position of the robot in the arena reference systemtheta [in]
yaw of the robot in the arena reference systempath [out]
output path of planned pathconfig_folder [in]
A custom string from config file.
To select the desired Mission by changing the bool in line 28 in student_interface.cpp
bool MISSION_PLANNING = false; // for Mission 1
bool MISSION_PLANNING = true; // for Mission 2
Victim are chosen in order of their number. The robot drives over all victims and follows the path from the lowest number to the highest
- a table with the corresponding time cost from each waypoint to every other is created. It's made by computing the distance of the smoothed A*'s path and dividing by the velocity of the robot (estimated 10 cm/sec with a test simulation):
- From this table a decision tree of all possible path is explored in order to pick the best path
- the resulting output vector contains the path with the lowest time
true if path is computed correctly, false otherwise
for more detail see paragraph missionPlannnig.ccp
namespace Graph
struct node
bool visited = false; // Have we searched this node before?
bool obstacle = false;
bool removed = false;
float fGlobalGoal; // Distance to goal so far
float fLocalGoal; // Distance to goal if we took the alternative route
float x; // Nodes position in 2D space
float y;
std::vector<int> neighbours; // Connections to neighbours
int parent; // Node connecting to this node that offers shortest parent
typedef std::vector<node> Graph;
provides the structure for the graph
void buildGridGraph(Graph::Graph &graph, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list,const Polygon& gate,
float margin, int nVert, int nOriz, float sideLength);
Graph::Graph &graph
The graph structure defined in graph.h including the nodesconst std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
the obstacle listconst Polygon& gate
The gatefloat margin
the safety distance from the borderfloat sideLength
length of the mapint nVert
number of squares in vertical directionint nOriz
number of squares in horizontal direction
- create the graph nodes
- checks if the node is inside an obstacle or too near to the border and it marks it ( dilated by the robots radius)
- connects the node to its neighbours in linear and diagonal direction
class Astar
int nodeStart = 0;
int nodeEnd = 0;
static float distance(Graph::Graph &graph, int a, int b);
static float heuristic(Graph::Graph &graph, int a, int b);
static vector<int> Solve_AStar(Graph::Graph &graph, int start, int end);
static void smoothPath(Graph::Graph& graph, vector<int> &path,
vector<int> &newPath, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list);
vector<int> Astar::Solve_AStar(Graph::Graph &graph, int nodeStart, int nodeEnd)
Graph::Graph &graph
The graph structure defined in graph.h and already connected with buildGridGraph()int nodeStart
the number of the start node in the graphint nodeEnd
the number of the end node in the graph
- resets the navigation graph. Every node: visited = false; fGlobalGoal = INFINITY; fLocalGoal = INFINITY; parent = -1; // No parents
- set up of the starting condition for the node start
- Loop for all the nodes in the graph until we reach the goal
- calculate the distance to the goal for each neighbour
- calculate the distance to the start for each neighbour and set the current node as parent for the neighbour if it is the shortest
- take neighbour node with the shortest global distance (node-goal) and select it for the next visit
- set the tag visited to the visited node, to not test it again
- Once reached the goal we create a vector where we:
- enter the goal node
- go to its parent node
- visit it and go again to its parent node
- repeat until we reach the start
- Reverse the previous vector to have the nodes in correct order.
vector <int>
Vector of the nodes where the path passes trough
void Astar::smoothPath(Graph::Graph &graph, vector<int> &path,
vector<int> &newPath, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list)
Graph::Graph &graph
the graph structure defined in graph.h and already connected with buildGridGraph()vector<int> &path
the path crated by A* starvector<int> &newPath
the smoothed pathconst std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
the dilated obstacle list
- Takes the start point and the end point of the A* path
- connects them with a straight line
- checks for collision with an obstacle
- if an collision is detected take the mid point of the path and repeat the procedure until the smoothed path is collision free
float Astar::distance(Graph::Graph &graph, int a, int b)
Graph::Graph &graph
the graph structure defined in graph.hpp and already connected with buildGridGraph()int a
reference int for startnodeint b
reference int for endnode
- calculates the heuristic distance from one point to another
the distance between two points
- raw Astar path with grid real arena
- smoothed path real arena
- dubins curve of Mission 1 real arena
- dubins curve of Mission 1 simulator
- dubins curve of Mission 2 simulator
bool collide(Polygon a, Polygon b);
bool isInside_Global(const Point& p, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list);
bool isInside(const Point& point, const Polygon& polygon);
bool intersect(const Point& a0, const Point& a1, const Point& b0, const Point& b1);
bool intersectPolygon(const Point& a0, const Point& a1, const Polygon& p);
bool intersect_Global(const Point& a0, const Point& a1, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list);
bool intersectCircle_Global(float a, float b, float r, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list);
bool intersectCircleLine(float a, float b,float r, float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2);
std::vector<Polygon> offsetPolygon(const std::vector<Polygon> &polygons, float offset);
bool isInside(const Point& point, const Polygon& polygon);
const Point &point
Point on which I want to checkconst Polygon &polygon
- reveals if a point is inside a polygon
- from the point it draws a infinite line to the right
- it counts how many times the line intersects a segment of a polygon
- if it is even the point is outside
- if it is odd the point is inside
if a collision was detected -> true
bool isInside_Global(const Point& p, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list);
const Point &point
Point on which I want to checkconst std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
The obstacle list of the map
- reveals if a point is any Polygon of the map
if a collision was detected -> true
bool intersect(const Point &a0, const Point &a1, const Point &b0, const Point &b1)
const Point &a0
start point of segment 1const Point &a1
end point of segment 1const Point &b0
start point of segment 2const Point &b1
end point of segment 2
- reveals if a segment intersects with a polygon
- calcluates the vectors of the segments
- a0->a1
- b0->b1
- b0->a0
- Calculates the determinant of the vectors a0->a1 and b0->b1
- calculates the parameters r and s which have to be inside the range of [0,1] if the segments intersect
if a collision was detected -> true
bool intersectPolygon(const Point &a0, const Point &a1, const Polygon &p)
const Point &a0
start point of segment 1const Point &a1
end point of segment 1const Polygon &p
Polygon for intersection test
- reveals the intersection of a segment with all the segments of a Polygon
if a collision was detected -> true
bool intersect_Global(const Point &a0, const Point &a1, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list)
const Point &a0
start point of segment 1const Point &a1
end point of segment 1const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
the dilated obstacle list
- checks the intersection of a segment with all the obstacles in the arena
if a collision was detected -> true
std::vector<Polygon> offsetPolygon(const std::vector<Polygon> &polygons, float offset)
float offset
the offset of the polygons (radius of the robot + some safety)const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
the dilated obstacle list
- extends the Polygons by using the clipper library
returns the dilated obstacle list
bool collide(Polygon a, Polygon b);
Polygon a
First PolygonPolygon b
Second Polygon
- test the intersection of 2 Polygons
- broad phase
- creates 2 boundingboxes around the Polygons and reveals the intersection of them
- narrow phase
- projects step wise each segment of Polygon a on one segment of Polygon b
- if there is an overlap of the projections and the segment the loop goes on
- if there is no intersection in one case, the polygons do not intersect
- This is don for polygon a on b and later for polygon b on a
- broad phase
if a collision was detected -> true
bool intersectCircleLine(float a, float b,float r, float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2);
float a
x coordinate of the circles centerfloat b
y coordinate of the circles centerfloat r
radius of the circlefloat x1
segment x coordinate of Point 1float x2
segment x coordinate of Point 2float y1
segment y coordinate of Point 1float y2
segment y coordinate of Point 2
- reveals the intersection of an arc and a segment
if a collision was detected -> true
bool intersectCircle_Global(float a, float b, float r, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list);
float a
x coordinate the circles centerfloat b
y coordinate the circles centerfloat r
radius of the circleconst std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
the dilated obstacle list
- reveals the intersection of an arc and the Obstacles present in the arena
if a collision was detected -> true
enum curve_type
struct ScaledParams
double sc_th0, sc_thf, sc_k_max, sc_k_max_inv, lambda;
struct ScaledCurveSegments
double s1, s2, s3;
bool ok = false;
struct DubinsLine
double s, x, y, th, k;
struct DubinsArc
double k, L,
x0, y0, th0,
xf, yf, thf,
xc, yc;
struct DubinsCurve
DubinsArc arcs[3];
double L;
curve_type type;
class DubinsCurvesHandler
double k_max = 10;
int8_t curves_arguments[6][3] = {
{1, 0, 1},
{-1, 0, -1},
{1, 0, -1},
{-1, 0, 1},
{-1, 1 - 1},
{1, -1, 1}};
DubinsLine computeDubinsLine(double L, double x0, double y0, double th0, double k);
DubinsArc computeDubinsArc(double x0, double y0, double th0, double k, double L);
DubinsCurve computeDubinsCurve(double x0, double y0, double th0, double s1, double s2, double s3, double k1, double k2, double k3);
bool check(double s1, double s2, double s3, double k0, double k1, double k2, double th0, double thf);
double sinc(double t);
double mod2pi(double angle);
double rangeSymm(double angle);
ScaledParams scaleToStandard(double x0, double y0, double th0, double xf, double yf, double thf);
ScaledCurveSegments scaleFromStandard(ScaledCurveSegments& sc_curve_segments, double lambda);
ScaledCurveSegments LSL(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
ScaledCurveSegments RSR(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
ScaledCurveSegments LSR(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
ScaledCurveSegments RSL(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
ScaledCurveSegments RLR(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
ScaledCurveSegments LRL(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
DubinsCurvesHandler() = default;
explicit DubinsCurvesHandler(double k_max);
DubinsCurve findShortestPath(double x0, double y0, double th0, double x1, double y1, double th1);
float findShortestTheta(double x0, double y0,double th0, double x1, double y1, std::vector<float> &theta0,
const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list,
bool (*circleIntersection)(float a, float b, float r, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list),
bool (*lineIntersection)(const Point &a0, const Point &a1, const std::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list));
std::vector<DubinsLine> discretizeDubinsCurve(DubinsCurve& curve, float minLength, float currLength);
DubinsCurve DubinsCurvesHandler::findShortestPath(double x0, double y0, double th0,
double xf, double yf, double thf)
double x0
x coordinate of initial positiondouble y0
y coordinate of initial positiondouble th0
orientation of the robot in the initial positiondouble x1
x coordinate of initial positiondouble y1
y coordinate of initial positiondouble th1
orientation of the robot in the final position
- Solve the Dubins problem for the given input parameters.
- The function tries all the possible primitives to find the optimal solution
- Return the type and the parameters of the optimal curve
ScaledParams scaleToStandard(double x0, double y0, double th0, double xf, double yf, double thf);
double x0
x coordinate of initial positiondouble y0
y coordinate of initial positiondouble th0
orientation of the robot in the initial positiondouble x1
x coordinate of initial positiondouble y1
y coordinate of initial positiondouble th1
orientation of the robot in the final position
- finds the transform parameter lambda
- calculate phi, the normalised angle
- scales and normalizes angles and curvature
struct with theta final
ScaledParams scaleFromStandard(double x0, double y0, double th0, double xf, double yf, double thf);
double x0
x coordinate of initial positiondouble y0
y coordinate of initial positiondouble th0
orientation of the robot in the initial positiondouble x1
x coordinate of initial positiondouble y1
y coordinate of initial positiondouble th1
orientation of the robot in the final position
- Scale the solution to the standard problem back to the original problem
returns the length of the single segments in real length
ScaledCurveSegments LSL(double sc_th0, double sc_thf, double sc_k_max, double sc_k_max_inv);
double sc_th0
scaled theta 0double sc_thf
scaled theta finaldouble sc_k_max
scaled max curvaturedouble sc_k_max_inv
scaled max radius
- calculate the curve LSL or RSL or...
length of the 3 curves and a bool to check the correctness
DubinsLine computeDubinsLine(double L, double x0, double y0, double th0, double k);
double L
desired Length of my linedouble x0
initial point x coordinatedouble y0
initial point y coordinatdouble th0
intital orientationdouble k
max curvature
- discretizes a piece of the curvature into a segment
returns the length, the position, theta and the curvature of a single segment of the curvature
DubinsArc computeDubinsArc(double x0, double y0, double th0, double k, double L);
double L
desired Length of my linedouble x0
initial point x coordinatedouble y0
initial point y coordinatdouble th0
initial orientationdouble k
max curvature
- Create a structure representing an arc of a Dubins curve (straight or circular)
intitial and final points, Length curvature and thetas of an arc
DubinsCurve computeDubinsCurve(double x0, double y0, double th0, double s1, double s2,
double s3, double k1, double k2, double k3);
double x0
initial point x coordinatedouble y0
initial point y coordinatdouble th0
intital orientationdouble s1
length of the first curve segmentdouble s2
length of the second curve segmentdouble s3
length of the third curve segmentdouble k1
curvature of the first segmentdouble k2
curvature of the second segmentdouble k3
curvature of the third segment
- compute the dubins curve with the optimal settings (composed by three arcs)
array of three DubinsArc
, the length of the curve and the type of the curve
bool check(double s1, double s2, double s3, double k0,
double k1, double k2, double th0, double thf);
double s1
length of the first curve segmentdouble s2
length of the second curve segmentdouble s3
length of thee third curve segmentdouble k0
curvature of the fist segmentdouble k1
curvature of the second segmentdouble k2
curvature of the third segmentdouble th0
initial orientationdouble thf
final orientation
- Check validity of a solution by evaluating explicitly the 3 equations defining a Dubins problem (in standard form)
returns true if the conditions of a dubins are respected
class MissionPlanning
float bonusTime;
float velocity = 0.1; // (m/sec) avg estimated velocity precedently computed
vector<Polygon> obstacle_list;
vector<pair<int, Polygon>> victim_list;
Polygon gate;
Point start;
struct decision
float reward;
bool isGate;
float x, y;
Point avgPoint(const Polygon &polygon);
float pathLength(Graph::Graph &graph, vector<int> path);
pair<float, vector<int>> pickDecision(float **costs, vector<decision> &decisions, set<int> remaining, float currCost, int next);
void initDecisions(vector<decision> &decisions);
explicit MissionPlanning(float bonusTime, const float x, const float y, vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list,const vector<pair<int, Polygon>> &victim_list, const Polygon &gate);
vector<Pose> buildDecisionPath(Graph::Graph &graph, int nVert, int nOriz, float sideLength);
explicit MissionPlanning(float bonusTime, const float x, const float y, vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list,
const vector<pair<int, Polygon>> &victim_list, const Polygon &gate);
float bonusTime
bonus time in second for passing over a victimfloat x
Robot x coordinatefloat y
Robot y coordinatestd::vector<Polygon> &obstacle_list
the dilated obstacle vectorconst vector<pair<int, Polygon>> &victim_list
victim vectorPolygon &gate
- constructor of the class MissionPlanning
vector<Pose> buildDecisionPath(Graph::Graph &graph, int nVert, int nOriz, float sideLength);
Graph::Graph &graph
The graph structure defined in graph.h including the nodesfloat sideLength
length of the mapint nVert
number of squares in vertical directionint nOriz
number of squares in horizontal direction
- creates the table including the cost between all the possible targets (and the gate) using A* and path smoothing.
- The cost is computed as: (distance of the path)/(avg velocity of the robot)
- the average velocity has been estimated with a test computing the time and the space in the find robot function (estimated ~10 cm/sec)
- call the recursive function
that returns the best path to do - reverse the output of the function in order to have the robot in the first position and the gate in the last building a vector of poses
pair<float, vector<int>> MissionPlanning::pickDecision(float \*\*costs, vector<decision> &decisions,
set<int> remaining, float currCost, int curr)
float **costs
matrix of costs wrt to the single starts and goalsvector<decision> &decisions
vector of the possible pathsset<int> remaining
for taking track of the decision check [remaining possibilities]float currCost
the cost up to the current decisionint curr
current decision
- From the cost table a decision tree is explored, where a node is a possible decision of the path
(a node corresponds to a victim where the robot can decides to go, the leafs are the gate and the root node is the starting point of the robot).
- a path from the root to a leaf, corresponds to a possible path that the robot can do
- when the tree is visited in the top-down direction, it's computed the cost to go from a victim (or the starting point) to another victim (or the gate)
- the cost is calculated as:
cost = currCost + costs[curr][i] - decisions[i].reward
is the totalcost of the father nodecosts[curr][i]
is the precedently computed cost from the current decision to the i-th child decisiondecisions[i].reward
is the bonus time of i-th child (bonus time if a victim and 0 if the gate)
- when I reach a leaf (gate), it returns the total cost of the decision path and the path itself
- at the end the tree is visited bottom-up and the minimum cost is saved paired with the list of the decisions
pair<float, vector<int>>
the cost and the path of the best route
void initDecisions(vector<decision> &decisions);
vector<decision> &decisions
contains the choices of the route, initial and final points of the victims
- creates an array of all the possible decisions which i can perform
- each decision has a reward (bonus time if a victim, 0 if the gate), the coordinates and if it's the gate
float MissionPlanning::pathLength(Graph::Graph &graph, vector<int> path)
Graph::Graph &graph
The graph structure defined in graph.h including the nodesvector<int> path
the path to check
- calculates the length of a smoothed A*'s path
length of the path
Point MissionPlanning::avgPoint(const Polygon &polygon)
const Polygon &polygon
- calculates the center point of a polygon
center point of a polygon