Login Info
Contractor After logging in will take you to make a new timesheet Username:Mo password:password
Manager After logging in you will be taken to the manager dash board view where time sheets waiting for approval can be seen and delt with Username:Tomas password:tomtsp
Admin After logging in wil take you to the admin dash board view where time sheets can be seen and delt with as invoices Username:Laura password:ltsp
Setting up Database For Use:
1. Open the DB Panel and select `New`
2. Select Datasource "MySQL"
3. Set the username and password for your localhost database server (root / comsc was ours, use yours)
3. If neccessary, download any required drivers
3. Go to src/main/resources, right click on `Team10_script.sql`
3. Then click `run Team10_script.sql`, then select the localhost connection you created
3. Right click on the @localhost database connection and select properties
3. Go to the Schema page, and select the `tsap` schema to ticked, and only that schema
3. Go to General then set the Database to `tsap`, then click OK