This repository consists of three implementations of evolutionary algorithms:
- Genetic Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem
- Evolution Strategies
- Ant Systems
- Create an initial population of P chromosomes (parents population).
- Evaluate the cost (the total distance to be traveled) of each individual.
- Choose n * P parents from the current population via proportional selection, where n - (0,1].
- Select randomly two parents to create offspring using crossover operator.
- Repeat the Step 4 until n * P offspring are generated.
- Apply mutation operators for changes in randomly selected offspring.
- Replace old parent population with the best (of minimum cost) P individuals selected from the combined population of parents and offspring.
- If the maximum number of generations (Tmax) were performed, then stop the algorithm; otherwise go to the Step 2.
The selection criteria, crossover and mutation are the major operators but cross-over plays the most important role. In the presented solution the Cycle Crossover Operator (CX) is applied.
- Implement the described GA algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem. A map of cities provided by a tutor x = [0, 3, 6, 7, 15, 12, 14, 9, 7, 0], y = [1, 4, 5, 3, 0, 4, 10, 6, 9, 10]; N = 10, and the GA parameters: P = 250, n = 0.8, pm = 0.2, Tmax = 1000. What was the minimal total distance traveled? What is the sequence of cities to be visited ensuring the minimal total distance traveled? Show the results in a graphic form (as a network of connections).
- Investigate the influence of parameters P, n and pm on the mean minimal total distance traveled calculated for 10 trials. Change the values of P within a set {100, 300, 500}, n - {0.5, 0.7, 0.9} and pm - {0.1, 0.3, 0.5}.
The structure of chromosome representing an individual is a pair of float vectors v = (x, σ). The first vector, x ∈ Rn, represents here a point in the n-dimensional search space and the second vector σ ∈ Rn+ is the vector of standard deviations. The main idea behind ES was to introduce a mechanism for a self-adaptation of the control parameters. This is achieved by applying the genetic operators to the object variable x, and to the strategy parameter σ. The mutation operator works by adding a normally distributed random vector r = N(0, σ) with a mean of zero and covariance matrix diag(σ2) to the object variable x(t+1) = x(t) + r and the strategy parameter is updated as follows σ(t+1) = σ(t) * exp(rσ1) · exp(rσ2), where superscript (t) denotes iteration t, rσ1 is a single realization of zero-mean gaussian variable with variance τ12. The rσ1 = N(0, τ1) = τ1 · N(0, 1) and rσ2 = N(0, τ22I) = τ2 · N(0, 1) is a single realization of zero-mean gaussian variable with covariance matrix τ22I, where I denotes identity matrix. Parameters τ1 and τ2 usually are chosen as follows: τ1 = 1 / sqrt(2n), τ2 = 1 / sqrt(2 * sqrt(n)).
The acceptance of offspring x(t+1) is determined by the level of its fitness f(x(t+1)). The evolution strategies evolved into two mature approaches denoted as (µ + λ) - ESs and (µ, λ) - ESs. The (µ + λ) strategy selects the µ best solutions from the union of parents and offsprings. In contrast, in the (µ, λ) strategy the best µ offsprings a selected from λ (λ > µ) descendants to replace the parents (the life of each individual is limited to only one generation).
Denoting the population in iteration t as Pµ(t) = {v1, v2, ... , vµ} the evolution strategies method can be summarized in the following steps:
- Set iteration index, t = 0. Initialize Pµ(0).
- Evaluate Pµ(0).
- Perform reproduction of Pµ(t) to Rλ(t).
- Perform mutation of Rλ(t) to Oλ(t).
- Evaluate Oλ(t).
- Select (Oλ(t) ∪ Q) to Pµ(t+1).
- Update iteration index, t = t + 1.
- If termination condition is not satisfied go to the Step 3.
In the (µ, λ) strategy Q = ∅ and in the (µ + λ) strategy Q = Pµ(t). In the third step, the individuals from µ parents are reproduced to λ individuals in the set Rλ(t) by independently random drawn individuals from Pµ(t). As the termination condition usually pre-set number of iteration or achieving of pre-set value of the cost function is used.
Write a computer program to solve the optimization problem provided by a tutor using the Evolution Strategy. Implement both, (µ, λ) and (µ + λ) approaches. As the population varying operator only mutation should be used. Evaluate the influence of the ES parameters (number of individuals, number of offspring, selection and crossover method, etc.) on the performance and the time of computations.
A given dataset contains a series of N = 101 measurements of input in and output on of a certain system f which can be modeled using the following function: o = a(i2 - b * cos(cπi)). Find values of the parameters a, b and c using the Evolution Strategies method, minimizing the mean square error between o and o. Generate the initial population according to uniform distribution −10 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 10, 0 ≤ σa, σb, σc ≤ 10.
Ant System is one of many variants of ant colony optimization algorithms. In this approach solutions are constructed by moving m artificial ants on the problem graph. The ants build a tour visiting n = N cities using a stochastic decision rule presented later. After a complete tour is constructed the artificial ants deposit the pheromone trail (update a variable associated with each arc). The amount of pheromone τij(t) deposed in iteration t on arc (i, j) represents the desirability to move from city i to city j. The quantity of pheromone deposed by every ant is proportional to the quality of the solution found. The internal memory of each ant contains the list of already visited cities and is used to identify the details of the chosen path. By exploiting its memory an ant k can build a set of feasible solutions.
The ant decision in node i is based on a decision table Ai = [aij(t)][Ni] obtained using the following rule: aij(t) = (τij(t))α * (ηij)β / suml∈Nik ((τij(t))α * (ηij)β), ∀j ∈ Ni, where τij is the amount of pheromone on arc (i, j) at time t, ηij = 1/dij, Ni is the set of neighbors cities of city i, Nik ⊆ Ni is a set of neighbor cities of city i that ant k has not visited yet, and α and β are control parameters.
The ant k chooses to go from city i to city j ∈ Nik with probability pijk = aij(t) / suml∈Nikaij(t). After all m ants have completed their tour the deposition and evaporation of pheromone mechanism is started. This mechanism can be described by the formula τij(t + 1) = (1 − ρ)τij(t) + ∆τij(t), where ρ ∈ [0, 1] is the pheromone evaporation coefficient, and the total quantity of pheromone ∆τij(t) deposed on arc (i, j) is specified by ∆τij(t) = sumk=1m∆τijk(t). The quantity of pheromone ∆τijk(t) deposed by ant k on arc (i, j) (that it has used) is equal to 1 / Lk(t) if (i, j) ∈ Tk(t) else 0, where Lk(t) is the length of the tour Tk(t) made by the k-th ant.
Before the start of the optimization algorithm a small amount of pheromone τ0 > 0 is deposed on all arcs τijk(0) = τ0. A good choice for parameter values is m = n, α = 1, β = 5 and ρ = 0.5 but the optimal set depends on the investigated problem.
- Write a computer program simulating the ants colony behavior in an environment where the nest and the food are separated by a double, asymmetric bridge.
- Implement the Ant System to solve the traveling salesman problem. Use a map of cities provided by a tutor, m = N = 10, the maximum number of tours Tmax = 200. What was the minimal total distance traveled? What is the sequence of cities to be visited ensuring the minimal total distance traveled? Show the results in a graphic form (as a network of connections).
Download desired
Python 2.7
version and install these modules.pip2 install numpy matplotlib
Follow this guide to install desired toolchain
. Note that CMake 3.16 comes with great opportunity to lose developer's mind under Windows. A nice feature that prevents CMake from working was added there. One cannot include sh.exe in the path. To solve this issue simply use one of newer versions (3.17 was tested and worked quite nicely). -
shell execute following commands in the desired directory.git clone cd Evolutionary-Algorithms git submodule update --init --recursive
Then run following commands using
from Evolutionary-Algorithms directory.mkdir build cd build cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. cmake --build .
Choose desired built binary and run it.
Install Python
using your package manager. UnfortunatelyPython 3
does not cooperate well. -
Run following commands. Note that default system generator, compiler and build type are chosen in this way. To change this behavior, proceed with standard CMake command
.pip2 install numpy matplotlib git clone cd Evolutionary-Algorithms git submodule update --init --recursive mkdir build cd build cmake .. cmake --build .