This is the frontend application for the Smart Brain web application. Smart Brain is a face detection application that allows users to detect faces in images by providing a URL to the image. This frontend application interacts with the backend API to provide a seamless user experience.
- User Authentication: Users can register for an account or sign in with existing credentials.
- Image Input: Users can input image URLs to detect faces in images.
- Face Detection: The application detects faces in images and highlights them for the user.
- User Profile: Registered users have a profile where they can see their name and the number of images they have submitted for face detection.
- React.js: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Clarifai API: Utilized for face detection in images.
- ParticlesBg: Library for adding particle backgrounds to the application.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the application:
npm start
- Access the application in your browser at
- Register for a new account or sign in with existing credentials.
- Once signed in, you will be directed to the home page.
- Enter the URL of an image containing faces into the input field and click "Detect".
- The application will detect and highlight the faces present in the image.
- You can track the number of images you have submitted for face detection in your profile.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.