Password checker allows you to check your password against a dictionary file and set up a web app that allows others to check theirs. If a password is found then it wouldn't take long for someone to access your account using dictionary attack.
To use the app, you will need to download a password list / word dictionary. Then run the splitter
program to split them into multiple files based on the password's first character. This would allow finder
program to efficiently query the text file that has the password.
$ go get
$ go get
- Use the splitter to split the large password file. This would create pass folder:
# splitter <password file> <output folder>
$ $GOBIN/splitter ~/giant-password-file.txt ~/pass
- Check password with finder app (it's basically doing cat grep but exits as soon as 2nd char is different)
# Password file should match the 1st character of the password
# finder <split password file> <query>
$ $GOBIN/finder ~/pass/l.txt 'letmein'
- Or use with express webserver
# Run the express app to let users check their passwords
# node server.js <password folder>
$ node $GOPATH/src/ ~/pass