Savoie Mont Blanc University provides many educationnal ressources about LoRaWAN:
📓 One free ebook available here: LoRaWAN for beginners books
📺 E-learning platform for beginners available here: LoRaWAN for beginners videos
📺 E-learning platform for Advanced users here: LoRaWAN for Advanced users videos
💡 2 days training sessions available here: LoRaWAN and IoT Training
This library has been tested with the following boards:
- Legacy Arduino : Leonardo, Uno, Zero, Due.
- ESP32 Espressif.
- Seeed Studio: Wio Terminal.
💡 If you've tested this library with any other boards than the one listed we would be happy to have your feedback :
- Report an issue on github (label "Test board failure") in case of failure.
- Report an issue on github (label "Test board sucess") in case of success.
This Arduino Library communicates with the Grove Wio E5 LoRa-E5. The application configuration is done thanks to a unique file called config_application.h. Here are the possible configuration :
#define | Possible values | Behavior |
REGION | EU868 or US915 | Region |
ACTIVATION_MODE | ABP or OTAA | Activation Method |
CLASS | CLASS_A or CLASS_C | Class |
SPREADING_FACTOR | Number [7;12] | 7 = SF7, 8 = SF8, ..., 12 = SF12 |
ADAPTIVE_DR | true or false | Enable Adaptive Data Rate (if true) |
CONFIRMED | true or false | Frame Confirmed (if true) OR Frame Unconfirmed (if false) |
PORT_UP | Number [0;255] | Application Port number |
SEND_BY_PUSH_BUTTON | true or false | Sending method (Time or Push Button) |
FRAME_DELAY | Time (ms) | Time between 2 frames (Minimum 7000) |
The board configuration is done thanks to a unique file called config_board.h. The default configuration is:
- Serial for debug
- Serial1 for the module connection
- Install Arduino IDE from the Arduino Website.
- In Arduino IDE, go to tools > Manage Librairies....
- Write in the section Filter your search... : "lora e5".
- Choose the last version and then click on Install.
This library works with any boards with two serial ports (or one USB + one Serial).
- Debug_Serial (Serial by default): Connection to computer: 115200 baud.
- LoRa_Serial (Serial1 by default): Serial link for the communication between the Arduino MCU and the LoRa-E5 LoRaWAN module.
- Open one of the example program in File > Examples > LoRaWAN-Seed-Groove-Wio-E5.
- Set up the LoRaWAN parameters in config_application.h file. If you use ABP, you need to configure devAdddr, nwkSKey and appSKey. If you use OTAA you need to configure devEUI, appEUI and appKey.
- Set up the hardware parameters in config_board.h file. Choose the right setting for your board (Serial or Pins).
- Register your Device on a Network Server (TTN, Actility, LORIOT, ...)
- Open the Serial Monitor in the arduino IDE to see the logs. (:warning: 115200 baud).
- Any sensors can be added to the free I2C bus, analog pins and GPIOs.
- It is recommended to opt for OTAA over ABP for the Activation Mode.