Interested in 💞️Fire detection with AI and instant automatic multi-functional response system. 💞️ Full stack web development [Python - Django -DRF -PostgreSQL], 💞️ 💞️
- Full Stack Web Development.
- -Work link:
-Work link:
Android App Development. -Work link:Play store:
Kindle book publishing. -Work link: Amazon kindle book publishing:
Skills: Html, CSS, Java script, Bootstrap, Python, Django, Django REST Framework, PostgreSQL, Android studio SDK
🔭 Currently working on "Fire detection with AI and instant automatic multi-functional response system".
🔭 Currently working on "Topic wise indexing The Holy Quran . When you click on a topic then all verses related to that specific topic will be displayed on one page. Software is ready website is live now. Populate with data is going on. ".
👯 Looking to collaborate on "Fire detection with AI and instant automatic multi-functional response system" -💞️ Looking for better oppertunities where I can learn more and contribute more to the evolving tech industry.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]