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YingxinLin committed Sep 16, 2024
2 parents 0bb64b8 + d3cc7e7 commit 48404a1
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Showing 3 changed files with 150 additions and 92 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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211 changes: 130 additions & 81 deletions R/cellshape_metrics.R
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Expand Up @@ -81,11 +81,6 @@ chull_to_poly2 <- function(coord){


# for functions requiring the bounding box we just need lines rather than sp_polygon,
# you can also get the bounding box from polygon but this is more computationally expensive
get_ashape_lines <- function(coord){
Expand All @@ -103,45 +98,23 @@ get_ashape_lines <- function(coord){

# ashape_to_poly <- function(x,y){
# points <- cbind(x,y)
# for (alpha_var in 1:100){
# alpha_shape <- alphahull::ashape(points, alpha = alpha_var)
# pth <- tryCatch(ashape2poly(alpha_shape),error=function(e) e)
# if ( !inherits(pth, "error")){
# hull_points <- points[pth,]
# poly <- sp::Polygon(hull_points)
# poly_list <- list(poly)
# # Create spatial polygon object
# sp_poly <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(poly_list, ID = 1)))
# return(sp_poly)
# }
# }
# }

get_ashape_chull_poly <- function(x) {

polygon <- try(ashape_to_poly2(x), silent = TRUE)
if (methods::is(polygon, "try-error")) {
polygon <- list(NA, NA)
poly_res <- try(ashape_to_poly2(x), silent = TRUE)
if (methods::is(poly_res, "try-error")) {
poly_res <- list(NA, NA)

ch_polygon <- try(chull_to_poly2(x), silent = TRUE)
if (methods::is(ch_polygon, "try-error")) {
ch_polygon <- NA
ch_poly_res <- try(chull_to_poly2(x), silent = TRUE)
if (methods::is(ch_poly_res, "try-error")) {
ch_poly_res <- NA

return(list(ashape_poly = polygon[[1]],
chull_poly = ch_polygon,
ashape_alpha = polygon[[2]]))
return(list(ashape_poly = poly_res[[1]],
chull_poly = ch_poly_res,
ashape_alpha = poly_res[[2]]))

elongation <- function(x) {
Expand All @@ -164,35 +137,27 @@ elongation <- function(x) {


eccentricity <- function(x){

if (methods::is(x, "matrix") | methods::is(x, "data.frame")) {
# Calculate the alpha shape
lines <- get_ashape_lines(x)
sp_poly <- ashape_to_poly2(x)[[1]]
sf_poly <- sf::st_as_sf(sp_poly)

if (methods::is(x, "SpatialPolygons")) {
lines <- x@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
sf_poly <- sf::st_as_sf(x)

major_axis <- find_major_axis(sf_poly)
minor_axis <- find_minor_axis(sf_poly,major_axis$major_axis_endpoints)

#nice function to extract bbox that is not a flat square
bb <- shotGroups::getMinBBox(lines)

#this is super similar to elongation but basically we take the max and min, for many cells we get the same result as elongation
major_axis <- max(bb$height, bb$width)
minor_axis <- min(bb$height, bb$width)



sphericity <- function(x){

if (methods::is(x, "matrix") | methods::is(x, "data.frame")) {
Expand All @@ -204,41 +169,34 @@ sphericity <- function(x){
res <- x

#spatstat needs a different type of spatial object
pol <- maptools::as.owin.SpatialPolygons(res)
#if (is(pol, "try-error")) { return(NULL) }
bbox <- res@bbox
pol <- spatstat.geom::owin(xrange = c(bbox["x", "min"], bbox["x", "max"]), yrange = c(bbox["y", "min"], bbox["y", "max"]))
#calculate outer circle
outer_radius <- spatstat.geom::boundingradius(pol)[[1]]
#get inner circle
inner_radius <- spatstat.geom::incircle(pol)

#perform calculation of radius of inner circle divided by radius of outer circle

solidity <- function(x, chull_polygon = NULL){

solidity <- function(x, chull_polygon = NULL) {
if (methods::is(x, "matrix") | methods::is(x, "data.frame")) {
polygon <- ashape_to_poly2(x)[[1]]
poly_res <- ashape_to_poly2(x)[[1]]
ch_polygon <- chull_to_poly2(x)

if (methods::is(x, "SpatialPolygons") & methods::is(chull_polygon, "SpatialPolygons")) {
polygon <- x
poly_res <- x
ch_polygon <- chull_polygon

area_p <- as.numeric(raster::area(poly_res))
ch_area <- as.numeric(raster::area(ch_polygon))

area <- as.numeric(rgeos::gArea(polygon))

ch_area <- as.numeric(rgeos::gArea(ch_polygon))


return(area_p / ch_area)

convexity <- function(x, chull_polygon = NULL){

Expand All @@ -255,16 +213,15 @@ convexity <- function(x, chull_polygon = NULL){

# Calculate area of polygon object
perimeter <- as.numeric(rgeos::gLength(polygon))
perimeter <- as.numeric(lwgeom::st_perimeter_2d(sf::st_as_sf(polygon)))

# Calculate perimeter of convex hull object
ch_perimeter <- as.numeric(rgeos::gLength(ch_polygon))
ch_perimeter <- as.numeric(lwgeom::st_perimeter_2d(sf::st_as_sf(ch_polygon)))



circularity <- function(x, chull_polygon = NULL){
#This one kinda sucks for us because we dont really have a ground truth polygon, its basically just alpha convex hull(tighter polygon)
# versus a normal convex hull
Expand All @@ -282,40 +239,132 @@ circularity <- function(x, chull_polygon = NULL){

# Calculate area of polygon object
area <- as.numeric(rgeos::gArea(polygon))
area <- as.numeric(raster::area(polygon))

# Calculate perimeter of convex hull object
convex_perimeter <- as.numeric(rgeos::gLength(ch_polygon))
ch_perimeter <- as.numeric(lwgeom::st_perimeter_2d(sf::st_as_sf(ch_polygon)))

#circularity calculation
return((4*pi*area)/ ((convex_perimeter)^2))
return((4*pi*area)/ ((ch_perimeter)^2))


compactness <- function(x) {

if (methods::is(x, "matrix") | methods::is(x, "data.frame")) {
# Calculate the alpha shape
polygon <- ashape_to_poly2(x)[[1]]
poly_res <- ashape_to_poly2(x)[[1]]

if (methods::is(x, "SpatialPolygons")) {
polygon <- x
poly_res <- x

# Calculate area of polygon object
area <- as.numeric(rgeos::gArea(polygon))
area <- as.numeric(raster::area(poly_res))

# Calculate perimeter of hull object
perimeter <- as.numeric(lwgeom::st_perimeter_2d(sf::st_as_sf(poly_res)))

# Calculate perimeter of convex hull object
perimeter <- as.numeric(rgeos::gLength(polygon))

#Compactness calculation
return((4*pi*area)/ ((perimeter)^2))

# support functions for eccentricity to find major and minor axis, this function essentially breaks a line into #num samples number of points to find the longest line through the polygon that is within the polygon
# the more samples the more accurate but also computational expensive, angle threshhold allows for slight leeway in minor not being perfectly perpendicular to major, again a computationally expensive trade off for better accuracy
find_major_axis <- function(poly_res, num_samples = 25) {

#we get the boundary poly_res and then create lots of samples along its perimeter
boundary <- sf::st_boundary(poly_res)
boundary_length <- sf::st_length(boundary)[[1]]
segment_length <- boundary_length / num_samples
boundary_points <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_segmentize(boundary, segment_length))

max_distance <- -Inf
max_indices <- c(0, 0)
num_boundary_points <- nrow(boundary_points)
#loop through sampled x,y boundary points to find lines, keep biggest
for (i in 1:(num_boundary_points - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):num_boundary_points) {
line_segment <- sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(boundary_points[i,], boundary_points[j,]), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
contains_result <- sf::st_contains(poly_res, sf::st_sfc(line_segment))

if (length(contains_result[[1]]) > 0) { # line segment is contained inside the poly_res or part of its perimeter
current_distance <- sqrt((boundary_points[i, 1] - boundary_points[j, 1])^2 +
(boundary_points[i, 2] - boundary_points[j, 2])^2)

if (current_distance > max_distance) {
max_distance <- current_distance
max_indices <- c(i, j)

major_axis_endpoints <- boundary_points[max_indices, ]
major_axis_length <- max_distance
#here we return the endpoints and length, ultimately eccentricity just is minor axis/major axis but this way we can do plots
result <- list(
major_axis_endpoints = major_axis_endpoints,
major_axis_length = major_axis_length

find_minor_axis <- function(poly_res, major_axis_endpoints, num_samples = 25, angle_threshold = 2) {
boundary <- sf::st_boundary(poly_res)
boundary_length <- sf::st_length(boundary)[[1]]
segment_length <- boundary_length / num_samples
boundary_points <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_segmentize(boundary, segment_length))

major_axis_vector <- major_axis_endpoints[2,] - major_axis_endpoints[1,]
major_axis_angle <- atan2(major_axis_vector[2], major_axis_vector[1])
major_axis_line <- sf::st_linestring(major_axis_endpoints)

max_distance <- -Inf
max_indices <- c(0, 0)
num_boundary_points <- nrow(boundary_points)

for (i in 1:(num_boundary_points - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):num_boundary_points) {
line_segment <- sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(boundary_points[i,], boundary_points[j,]), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
contains_result <- sf::st_contains(poly_res, sf::st_sfc(line_segment))

if (length(contains_result[[1]]) > 0) { # line segment is contained inside the poly_res or part of its perimeter
# Check if the line segment intersects the major axis
intersects_result <- sf::st_intersects(major_axis_line, sf::st_sfc(line_segment))

if (length(intersects_result[[1]]) > 0) {
line_segment_vector <- boundary_points[j,] - boundary_points[i,]
line_segment_angle <- atan2(line_segment_vector[2], line_segment_vector[1])

angle_difference <- abs(major_axis_angle - line_segment_angle) * (180 / pi)
angle_difference <- min(angle_difference, 360 - angle_difference)

if (angle_difference >= (90 - angle_threshold) && angle_difference <= (90 + angle_threshold)) {
current_distance <- sqrt((boundary_points[i, 1] - boundary_points[j, 1])^2 +
(boundary_points[i, 2] - boundary_points[j, 2])^2)

if (current_distance > max_distance) {
max_distance <- current_distance
max_indices <- c(i, j)

minor_axis_endpoints <- boundary_points[max_indices, ]
minor_axis_length <- max_distance

result <- list(
minor_axis_endpoints = minor_axis_endpoints,
minor_axis_length = minor_axis_length


cell_shape_fn <- function(x, method) {
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