Learn Exploratory Data Analysis in the browser or locally in your RStudio IDE with interactive tutorials!
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
You can start the tutorial with:
learnr::run_tutorial("EDAinR", package = "EDAinR")
This tutorial consist of content along with interactive components for checking and reinforcing understanding. Throughout the tutorials you will find:
Narrative, figures and illustrations;
Code exercises that you can edit and execute directly;
Links and resources...
The tutorial automatically preserve work done within it, so if you work on a few exercises or questions and then return to the tutorial later, you can pick up right where you have left off.
Please note that this package is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this package, you agree to abide by its terms.
- R for Researchers: An Introduction, Tyson S. Barrett, PhD;
- Tidyverse Skills for Data Science, Carrie Wright, Shannon E. Ellis, Stephanie C. Hicks and Roger D. Peng;
- R Software Handbook Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology - University of Tennessee, Knoxville;
- R for Data Science (2e), Hadley Wickham, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund.
- Hadley Wickham's 2014 "Tidy Data" paper in the Journal of Statistical Software