Tiny-JSON 是一个用 C++11 实现的轻量级 JSON/JSON5 库,编码风格参考了 C++ 谷歌命名规范,导入只需引入头文件,无第三方库依赖。
- 读取 JSON 文件
- 生成 JSON 文件
- 支持 JSON5
- 极简的用法
- 代码可读性高
- 详尽的错误信息
只需要引入 tiny_json.h
到你的工程中,需要 c++11
编译器版本:gcc version 8.1.0 (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0)
支持 Windows 和 Linux 下控制台红字显示,可以通过 tiny_json::detail
另一种获取错误信息的方式是通过 tiny_json::parse(json, error)
,将第 33 行的detail
这部分引入了第三方库 doctest
核心函数及类的测试覆盖率达到 100%
[doctest] doctest version is "2.4.9"
[doctest] run with "--help" for options
[doctest] test cases: 11 | 11 passed | 0 failed | 0 skipped
[doctest] assertions: 376 | 376 passed | 0 failed |
[doctest] Status: SUCCESS!
一个简单的性能测试框架,定义在 performance_test.cpp
测试结果:结果与 JSON 文件的数据分布及处理器性能有关
- 生成 JSON 字符串性能可以达到 117 MB/s
- 解析 JSON 字符串性能可以达到 107 MB/s
测试 CPU 型号为 i5-12600KF,单线程,编译优化
- Null:
"#nullx": null
- Array:
"#arrayx": [1, "string", true, null]
- Object:
"#objectx": {{"number", 1}, {"string", "hello"}, {"bool", false}, {"null", null}}
- String:
"#stringx": "Hello World!"
- Number:
"#numberx": "31415"
- Boolean:
"#boolx": true
[--------------- Run tiny_json performance test ----------------]
[----------------------- Write benchmark -----------------------]
| Null | Array | Object | String | Number | Boolean |
[---------------- Scale of types in one object -----------------]
| 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
[----------------------- Write JSON (ms) -----------------------]
| str_size: 1873 KB, 16ms |
[--------------- Run tiny_json performance test ----------------]
[----------------------- Read benchmark ------------------------]
| Null | Array | Object | String | Number | Boolean |
[---------------- Scale of types in one object -----------------]
| 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
[------------------------ Read JSON (ms) -----------------------]
| str_size: 1873 KB, 28ms |
[--------------- Run tiny_json performance test ----------------]
[---------------------- Class benchmark ------------------------]
| Null | Array | Object | String | Number | Boolean |
[---------------- Scale of types in one object -----------------]
| 100000 | 100000 | 100000 | 100000 | 100000 | 100000 |
[--------------------- Construct time (ms) ---------------------]
| 26 | 53 | 74 | 30 | 28 | 26 |
[--------------------- Destruct time (ms) ----------------------]
| 34 | 47 | 46 | 26 | 29 | 21 |
[--------------- Run tiny_json performance test ----------------]
| Null | Array | Object | String | Number | Boolean |
[---------------- Scale of types in one object -----------------]
| 10 | 20 | 50 | 50 | 20 | 10 |
[---------------------------- Loops ----------------------------]
| 10000 |
[--------------------- Construct time (ms) ---------------------]
[--------------------- Includes write JSON ---------------------]
| str_size: 5 KB, 901 |
json_size(Json/twitter.json): 631 KB
time: 8ms
json_size(Json/canada.json): 2251 KB
time: 110ms
json_size(Json/citm_catalog.json): 1727 KB
time: 16ms