This repository contains data and code associated with the following paper:
Macdonald, F.M., Swanson-Hysell, N.L., Park, Y., Lisiecki, L., and Jagoutz, O. (2019) Arc-continent collisions in the tropics set Earth’s climate state Science 10.1126/science.aav5300
Within the main repository folder is a Jupyter notebook entitled suture_analysis.ipynb that contains code that utilizes the suture compilation and the paleogeographic models to conduct the analysis and develop the visualizations associated with the study. This notebook relies on the function library developed in conjunction with this research that is also within the main repository folder. This code, and that of the notebook, relies on the pyGPlates module ( that enables the functionality of the GPlates software package to be programmatically accessed using Python. With the exception of the pyGPlates module, which needs to be installed locally and added to the Python path, the computational environment is specified within the suture_analysis.yml file. The LIP_analysis.ipynb conducts the LIP area analysis also using pyGPlates and the functions.
A static html version of the suture_analysis notebook can be viewed here: suture_analysis.html
Within the main repository folder is a Matlab script entitled ice_suture_stats.m that implements the statistical tests described in the Report and its supplementary materials and develops associated figures.
This folder contains a .csv files with the compilation of continental arc length from Cao et al. (2017).
This folder contains the compilation of latitudinal extent of ice sheets through time.
This folder contains the compilation of ophiolite-bearing sutures that was constructed for this study and used for the analysis. The main shapefile is Suture_Lines.shp and this shapefile was modified for reconstruction with the paleogeographic models in subfolders. This compilation is visualized within the suture_analysis.ipynb Jupyter notebook.
Note that the LIP_Outline_edited.shp data file that is used in the LIP_analysis.ipynb folder will be released in conjunction with the AGU book entitled Environmental Change and Large Igneous Provinces scheduled to be published in late 2019.
This folder contains rotation files and polygon outlines for the paleogeographic models used for the reconstructions. The individual datafiles are described in more detail within suture_analysis.ipynb.
This folder contains figures and tables that are output from the code. The associated visualizations were used to make the figures within the manuscript and supplementary materials.