The Stakenet Smart Contract is an Ethereum-based contract that allows users to stake a certain ERC20 token and earn rewards based on a predefined yield percentage. This contract is implemented using Solidity and utilizes OpenZeppelin libraries for ERC20 functionality.
- Stake ERC20 tokens to earn rewards.
- Transfer staking position to another address.
- Withdraw staked tokens along with accumulated yield after a lock duration.
- Dynamic yield calculation based on the total rewards and stake limits.
- User-specific stake limits and minimum staking amount.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Stakenet
Setup environment variables
Create .env file or fulfill .env.example.
The following environment variables are required:
Compile the smart contracts:
npx hardhat compile
Deploy the LimeSpark smart contract to Sepolia testnet:
npx hardhat deploy-lime-spark --network sepolia --starter-tokens <STARTER_TOKENS>
Deploy the Stakenet smart contract to Sepolia testnet:
npx hardhat deploy-stakenet --network sepolia --erc20-token-address <ADDRESS_OF_ERC20> --lock-duration-in-seconds <LOCK_DURATION> --rewards <REWARDS> --contract-stake-limit <CONTRACT_STAKE_LIMIT> --user-stake-limit <USER_STAKE_LIMIT>
npx hardhat help
to see all available commands
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This smart contract is provided as-is and has not been audited for security. Use it at your own risk.
LimeSpark Contract address: 0x2BdFb6a7B89e933B0A8c34E3dcc32E8C684c7738
LimeSpark Contract link:
Stakenet Contract address: 0x25eF4D21979a2dB912183c133A3e576cf710d1A7
Stakenet Contract link:
Example Stakenet deploy command:
npx hardhat deploy-stakenet --erc20-token-address 0x2BdFb6a7B89e933B0A8c34E3dcc32E8C684c7738 --lock-duration-in-seconds 86400 --rewards 100000000000000000000 --contract-stake-limit 300000000000000000000 --user-stake-limit 100000000000000000000