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Releases: SvenTiigi/STLocationRequest

Version 3.3.1

02 Apr 17:43
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Swift 5 support

This release adds Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2 support

Version 3.3.0

18 Jan 20:59
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Swift 4.2

Added Swift 4.2 compatibility

📺 tvOS Support

Added tvOS support


This release dropped custom LocationSymbolIcon support

Version 3.2.2

24 May 14:49
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Small bug fixes

Swift 4.1

29 Mar 19:29
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Small Swift 4.1 updates 👨‍💻


28 Feb 08:20
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The Engine of the STLocationRequestController has been fully replaced with the newly released FlyoverKit.

Button Configuration

The configuration for the allow and not-now button has been expanded. You can now set the following properties to customize the buttons to your needs.

  • title
  • titleColor
  • font
  • backgroundColor
  • highlightedBackgroundColor
  • highlightedTitleColor
  • borderColor
  • borderWidth
  • cornerRadius

Carthage Support

17 Feb 13:20
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With this release STLocationRequest is also available via Carthage.

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate STLocationRequest into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "SvenTiigi/STLocationRequest"

Run carthage update --platform iOS to build the framework and drag the built STLocationRequest.framework, SnapKit.framework and SwiftIconFont.framwork into your Xcode project.

On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase” and add the Framework paths (for all Frameworks) as mentioned in Carthage Getting started Step 4, 5 and 6


The STLocationRequestController.Configuration struct has been slightly modified in order to have a consistent access to specific variables.

config.titleText // No longer available
config.title.text = "Use this 🙌"

Bug Fixes

30 Jan 10:10
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Fixed a bug when STLocationRequestController is presented from landscape orientation

Version 3.0 Breaking Changes

29 Jan 11:36
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Version 3.0

The STLocationRequestController has been completely refactored and improved. The most important changes are the construction and configuration for an STLocationRequestController object as well as the new onEvent closure property. The following usage code snippet will show how to migrate to the 3.0 version.


import STLocationRequest

// Initialize STLocationRequestController with STLocationRequestController.Configuration
let locationRequestController = STLocationRequestController { config in
    config.titleText = "We need your location for some awesome features"
    config.allowButtonTitle = "Alright"
    config.notNowButtonTitle = "Not now"
    config.mapViewAlpha = 0.9
    config.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
    config.authorizeType = .requestWhenInUseAuthorization

// Get notified on STLocationRequestController.Events
locationRequestController.onEvent = { event in
    if case .locationRequestAuthorized = event {
        // Location Request Authorized 🙌

// Present STLocationRequestController
locationRequestController.present(onViewController: self)

Objective-C Support?

The Objective-C support has been removed in this version to be compatible with the Swift coding standards. If you need to use the STLocationRequestController inside an Objective-C Project you should bind the Pod to the 2.0 Version:

pod 'STLocationRequest', '~> 2.0'

Major 2.0 Update

19 Nov 00:04
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Version 2.0

STLocationRequest is now updated to version 2.0 🙌

  • The most important part is the removed Storyboard, which was former used to layout the UI.
    All UI layouting is now being done in code 👨‍💻.
  • STLocationRequestController has now even more properties to customize it 🤓
  • Improved Objective-C support
  • Improved Notch-Support for iPhone X

Swift 4.0

12 Nov 17:32
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Added Swift 4.0 compatibility