A minimal linux setup with configs and dotfiles that allows one to be productive at work, while not losing flexibility.
WSL2 Support
Support MacOS and Linux natively along with Apple Silicon support.
Full nix setup
Full language support (Python, Node, Java, C++, etc.) with the right tools.
By default the script is configured to work on x86 Linux, however you can change platforms by doing the following:
Run the switcher.sh script to switch between platforms.
chmod +x switcher.sh
./switcher.sh <os-arch>
Where <os-arch>
is the desired platform. The supported platforms are:
x86_64-linux # 64-bit Intel/AMD linux
aarch64-linux # 64-bit ARM Linux
x86_64-darwin # 64-bit Intel MacOS
aarch64-darwin # 64-bit ARM MacOS
Note, this script only works for the first time when switching platforms. For subsequent switches, you need to manually update the flake.nix file.
Replace x86_64-linux
with the desired platform in the flake.nix file. The supported platforms and their corresponding keywords are:
x86_64-linux # 64-bit Intel/AMD Linux
aarch64-linux # 64-bit ARM Linux
x86_64-darwin # 64-bit Intel macOS
aarch64-darwin # 64-bit ARM macOS
For example, in the flake.nix file, replace:
packages.x86_64-linux.default = let
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
system = "x86_64-linux";
config.allowUnfree = true;
packages.aarch64-darwin.default = let
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
system = "aarch64-darwin";
config.allowUnfree = true;
This switches the platform to ARM macOS.
Run the setup.sh script to install the necessary packages and setup the configurations.
chmod +x setup.sh
sudo ./setup.sh
Follow the instructions in the script to install the necessary packages.
The repo will be updated with new features and configurations.
Make sure to backup your configurations before updating the setup.
To update the setup, run the following commands:
git pull
sudo ./setup.sh
Follow the instructions in the script to install the necessary packages.