New features
- feat/includes: bring up includes folder (#63)
- feat: support load async css
- feat(post): add lazyload for post header thumbnail
- fix(search): escape HTML
- refactor(head): completely rewritten
- refactor(open-graph): improvements
- refactor(footer): custom_code optimization & copyright rewrite
- ci: set nodejs version to 8 10 12
- refactor(archive): rewrite the generation
- refactor(comment): oprimize disqusjs load
- refactor: better usage of fragment_cache
Bugs fixed
- fix(navbar): use archive_dir instead of 'archives/'
- fix(analytics): change wrong google_site_id in gtags.ejs
- fix(head): canonical_url
- fix(config): wrong position of lazyload_img
Requires Hexo 4.0.0 or higher version of Hexo.