This is an implementation of the game using the library API. This repository conatins two parts: Client-side files and Server-side files
Client-side files These are the files under the public folder that are exposed to the browser There is a main index.html built using bootstrap There are 3 js files namely UIStuff, canvasStuff and socketStuff and these files are NOT ES6 modules UIStuff > canvasStuff > socketStuff
Server-side files The main entry point is the index.js file, which inturn imports the other files namely deafult.js and server.js, which under the hood, runs these files These files setup the express server and the server and exposes them
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// JUMPING STONES => Could not able to recreate the clamping of the camera to the player's position => Could not able to configure the AABB type collision detection => Need to reasearch a lot for clubbing multiple social oauth providers to maintain a efficient DB
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// POSSIBLE MODIFICATIONS => If the browser is well supported and able to prcoess heavy tasks, then we can update the leaderboard every frame rather than updating it, when there is a collision => Still not able to exactly get the collision detection correct. Sometimes, it gets all fuzzy => As we are using the JWT for authentication, there is possibility that a single user can play through multiple accounts. We need to restrict him.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// DOUBTS => What is difference between the static files and views in node.js