This project is a responsive Nike website built using React and Tailwind CSS, with Vite as the build tool. The website showcases Nike's product offerings, customer reviews, services, special offers, and provides a subscription form for updates and newsletters.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd nike
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Run the development server:
The website should now be running at
npm run dev
The project is organized into several components and sections, each responsible for different parts of the website.
- Nav: Navigation bar component.
- Button: Reusable button component.
- PopularProductCard: Card component for displaying popular products.
- ShoeCard: Card component for displaying shoes in the hero section.
- ServiceCard: Card component for displaying services.
- ReviewCard: Card component for displaying customer reviews.
- Hero: The main banner showcasing the latest Nike arrivals.
- PopularProducts: Displays a grid of popular products.
- SuperQuality: Section highlighting the quality of Nike shoes.
- Services: Lists the various services provided.
- SpecialOffer: Displays a special offer.
- CustomerReviews: Section showcasing customer feedback.
- Subscribe: Subscription form for updates and newsletters.
- Footer: Footer with links and social media icons.
For more information on the tools and technologies used in this project, refer to the following: