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Library for calling the Netatmo API and providing data in Java classes.

Data models are in the package net.suteren.netatmo.domain.

Classes for calling Netatmo server are in net.suteren.netatmo.therm. Currently only thermostat and valves are supported.

For authentication there is net.suteren.netatmo.auth.AuthClient. It is required by API classes. If you try to connect to the API, it opens Netatmo web page in the web browser, let you log in and approve the application, and then it stores auth token and refresh token into the ~/.netatmoauth.json file, so you don't have to log in every request.

See Netatmo Authentication for details.

There is also a simple commandline client and timeline visualizer. See the sections below.

Basic usage

neatmo4j artifact is hosted on Maven Central

AuthClient authClient =	new AuthClient(clientId, clientSecret, List.of("read_thermostat", "write_thermostat"), "Netatmo tool", authconfig);

HomeClient homeClient = new HomeClient(authClient).getHomesData();
HomesData homesData = homeClient.getHomesData();

ScheduleClient scheduleClient = new ScheduleClient(authClient);
Schedule schedule = createSchedule();
scheduleClient.updateSchedule(homeId, schedule);
scheduleClient.setSchedule(homeId, scheduleId);

Commandline client

This is a commandline tool for querying netatmo server and updating the schedule by configuration. See net.suteren.netatmo.cli.NetatmoCli.

You can build fat-jar artifact which creates executable jar of this client:

gradle fatJar

Then you can execute this command:

./build/libs/netatmo4j-${VERSION}-fatjar.jar -h

Timeline visualiser

If you want to visualize timeline of the schedule, you can use groovy script scheduleRendered.groovy. Pass Schedule JSON as a parameter. Then it will render either SVG or PlantUml source, depending on presence of the -i flag.

Example of the result: timeline example