This repository performs some abstraction for the MechRepoNet pipeline enableing fast building of models for metapath-based prediction of the relatedness of any two metanodes.
JSON files in the 0_data/manual
directory may need to be edited to provide the proper
paths for the data used from the MechRepoNet pipeline
This repository is organized as follows.
/0_data # Contains data needed to for use within scripts
manual # Data built manually. Most will be included, unless built from proprietary source
external # Data acquired from external sources. Not included, but scripts will provide most
/1_code # Contains all code for running the pipeline. Scripts and notebooks are numbered in order they should be run.
tools # contains tools for building
/2_pipeline # Output folder for pipeline. Not included with repo
/tools # simlik to /1_code/tools for compatibility with legacy code
/*_param.json # Parameter files that instruct the building of learning models
This repo uses essentially the same environment as MechRepoNet. Please use the requirements.txt from that repository.
This repo and all associated files are avaliable locally at /gpfs/group/su/mike/MRN_new_endpoints