Build ngrokd server and ngrok client without a pain for Linux, MacOS and Windows in one time.
So you can use your own ngrok server on you own server with your domain name
- ngrokd and ngrok are cross-compiled with gonative and gox
- generate certificate with your domain
- ngrokd and ngrok binary are paired together
- generate appropriate config file for client
- ngrok-build can be use on linux and macos (and windows SOON)
ngrok famous tool is a reverse proxy (see
NOTE : ngrok-build is built with stella (see
NOTE : ngrok built version is 1.7.1 with extra patch uptodated at 2016-03-12 (resolve minor bugs and google code go logger issue)
Standard build tools, git, openssl (for certificate generation)
NOTE : you dont need go. An isolated version of go will be built in current workspace
automatic way (recommanded) :
cd ~
git clone
cd ngrok-build
./ bootstrap
manual way :
cd ~
git clone
cd stella
./ stella install dep
cd ~
git clone
cd ngrok-build
./ prepare
./ build -d <>
replace whith you server domain name and see produced files in release folder
FOR INFORMATION : gonative and gox are used for cross-compile client and server
- see :
- see :
./ clean
./ -h
Your built binaries are in release directory. For more details on how to use ngrok see
If your domain is
./ngrok -config=ngrok-config 80
sudo ./ngrokd -tlsKey='device.key' -tlsCrt='device.crt' -domain='' -httpAddr=':80' -httpsAddr=':443'
On the host running the client or the server, *.domain.dom must be resolved.
- Quick solution : add to /etc/hosts file of the server host and the client host, pointing to the ip of your server
- Real solution : add a CNAME * to a dns server pointing to the ip of your server
- official build server instruction :
- SequenceIQ article :