Releases: Stubs42/OrangeLine
OrangeLine 2.4.6
OrangeLine 2.4.3
This release adds the a new module MORPHEUS and fixes some minor flaws.
OrangeLine 2.4.2
This release adds the gorgous MORPH and fixes some minor flaws
OrangeLine Release 2.4.1
New Module RESC and some minor enhancements and fixes.
OrangeLine 2.3.15
This Release adds the possibility to change the function of the POW output of MOTHER in the right click menu.
It is now possible to output the scale as 12 polyphonic gates (12 channels) or as well as polyphonic pitches by scale position ( channels = number of selected notes of scale.
In addition a flaw in the display when changing weights showing the wrong weight in certain cases has been fixed. The weight display while changing weights also now shows the notes value instead of a meaningless weight number.
OrangeLine Release 2.3.14
This OrangeLine Release adds V2 labels to inputs, labels.
Trigger buttons changed to switches wherever applicable.
Also fixes Mothers broken editing of on/off notes and scale selection with root not set to C and C Based Display has been enabled.
OrangeLine 1.3.11
2.3.11b fix dejavu seed input not working
OrangeLine 2.3.11
set release to 2.3.11
OrangeLine 2.3.10
fixedmodules doing nothing until the widget is ready
OrangeLine Release 2.3.9
OrangeLine plugin ported to Rack V2.0