To some extent, this document contains my thoughts about all workers, and indeed strider's handling of jobs generally. I'll extract that out later.
A queen runs the server, performs load ballancing, etc. When a worker connects to the server, a Drone object is created.
A drone takes jobs. The connected worker is queried as to its capacity and speed with a "query-info" event.
- user_id
- github_apikey
- job_id
- repo_config (unsanitized)
- deploy_config
- deploy_target
- repo_ssh_url
- job_type
- github_commit_info
- user_id
- repo: {
auth: {
type: https
} || {
type: ssh
provider: github || bitbucket || gitlab
vcs: git || hg
- job_id
- ref: {
} || {
fetch: "+refs/pull/141/merge"
- trigger [see trigger spec below]
// stuff gotten from the DB & config file. Any branch-specific config
// is already factored in.
- plugins: [names, in, order]
- config {
.. defined by the plugins ..
author: {
id: <strider uid>
url: <ex:>
name: "Jared Forsyth"
email: [optional]
gravatar: [suggested]
username: [only applicable for github, etc.]
message: [displayed in the ui]
timestamp: [required]
url: [message links here]
source: {
type: UI
page: dashboard
} || {
type: API
app: [app id? app name?]
} || {
type: plugin
plugin: name
The only trigger provided by default is "manual".
Ideas for other triggers:
- commit [by the github plugin]
- pull-request [by the github plugin]
- dependency [dependency-checker]
## Events
### Events the queen listens for
- queue:new {job data}
The queen then decides which drone should handle the request. This is
the one that's fastest and has open capacity. If all are full, then
just the one with the shortest queue (relative to its capacity).
### Events the drone listens for
- job:query-info jobid
This will generally get fired by the `api/jobs` endpoint if there are
jobs in progress. That way the user will be able to see the full
output of a running job when they get to the page, not just the output
since they showed up.
### Events the drone will fire
- browser eventtype, [args] // proxying job:* events from the remote
- job:info jobid, job-data // in response to job:query-id
### Events the drone will fire to the remote
- drone:query-info
- queue:new {job data}
### Events the remote fires to the drone
- drone:info {speed: int, capacity: int} // maybe report plugins as well? See thoughts @ bottom
#### command specific
- job:cmd:start id, num, command, screencmd [sanitized version of command]
- job:cmd:done id, num, exitCode
- job:cmd:stdout id, num, text
- job:cmd:stderr id, num, text
#### plugin specific
Currently these are only sent up to the browser. They aren't
propagated by the drone on the main strider server. Do we want this?
- job:plugin id, plugin, [whatever the plugin passes in]
#### general
They would be output as part of whatever command is currently being
- job:stdout id, text
- job:stderr id, text
#### status
- job:queued id, timestamp
- job:started id, timestamp
- job:tested id, code, timestamp
- job:deployed id, code, timestamp
- job:done id, timestamp
# Thoughts
Currently all drones are expected to have all plugins. Is that an
issue? Drones could of course send in `drone:info` which plugins are
installed, and the queen would then only send it jobs it could
handle. But is there a real use case for that?