HTTP client for consuming data about the Strider ecosystem as maintained in ecosystem-index
Returns a promise that resolves an array of minimal plugin objects.
client.fetchPlugins().then(function(remotePlugins) {
console.log(remotePlugins) /* =>
[ { name: 'go-strider', version: '0.0.1' },
{ name: 'strider-bitbucket', version: '1.0.3' },
{ name: 'strider-custom', version: '0.5.3' },
... ] */
Returns a promise that resolves a plugin object with all metadata
client.fetchPlugin('strider-ssh-deploy').then(function(plugin) {
console.log(plugin) /* =>
{ description: "Plugin for Strider-CD to deploy with SSH",
html_url: "",
git_url: "git://" } */