Stretch of the day
- What is the problem you’re solving? Feel stiff, but not sure how to stretch?
- What is the solution? This app can help you identify areas of your body that are the most stiff and then provide a list of stretches to help you feel more comfortable.
- What is the MVP scope? (core features you must get working) Frontend that renders a list of stretches, organized by body part
- What are the tough technical challenges involved with solving this problem? Backend-database-API interaction Filter stretches by muscle Add community stretches Vote on stretches Stretch favorites Authentication for favorites
- What are the stretch goals? You can list a body part that hurts. Then the app points to specific muscles that hurt. Use authentication and authorization Cookies Cache
- What is the technology stack? Frontend: HTML, CSS, React Server: Express and Node Database: MongoDB Team Responsibility breakdown: Who’s working on which part? SCRUM - Alana Git Wiz - Rodrigo Frontend - Serena CSS/ Design - Diane Backend - Josh & Alana Frontend backend connection: Diane Database - Rodrigo Webpack - Alana