#Backlog Talk Speaker(s) DevOps Kaizen Practical Steps to Start & Sustain a Transformation Damon Edwards Achieving Business Impact: Why Agile Doesn’t Scale Dan North REST for an Hour Lyndsey Padget Evolving Java Brian Goetz 3 Tricks to Make Your Application More Reliable Adib Saikali Category Theory Tom LaGatta Patterns for Docker Success Simon Eskildsen DevOps learnings from Air France 447 Lindsay Holmwood Run containers on bare metal already! Bryan Cantrill From REST to CQRS Bobby Calderwood Simple Made Easy Rich Hickey Growing a Language Guy Steele Credit Card Fraud: The Contactless Generation Kristin Paget Applications Through an Attacker’s Lens Michael Coates System Failure, Human Error: Who's to Blame? Sidney Dekker Agile is not Enough: Revolution Over Transformation Todd Charron The Birth and Death of Javascript Gary Bernhardt "Big Data" Agile Analytics Ken Collier Big data is better data Kenneth Cukier DevOps Patterns Distilled Gene Kim Container Hacks and Fun Images Jessie Frazelle Introduction to Docker Solomon Hykes Cgroups, namespaces, and beyond: what are containers made from? Jérôme Petazzoni Docker Networking Deep Dive Jana Radhakrishnan Kubernetes: Changing the Way That we Think and Talk About Computing Brian Dorsey Machine Learning: The Basics Ron Bekkerman Tiny Chad Fowler How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters Josh Bloch AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning: A Primer Frank Chen How do you get an engineering team to eat their vegetables Duretti Hirpa Docker for Developers David Gageot Erlang vm - Intro to Erlang - Handling millions of users with erlang - Statistics for hackers - What’s the worst that can happen? Marc Burgauer #Watched and recomended Talk Speaker(s) Make Impacts Not Software Gojko Adzic Courage in Software Development D. Wall DevOps: A Sharder's Tale Bethany Macri JavaScript: The Good Parts Doug Crockford Understanding and Using Regular Expressions Damian Conway Introduction to NoSQL Martin Fowler Turning the database inside out with Apache Samza Martin Kleppmann Learning Scala? Learn the Fundamentals First! Craig Tataryn Better know a language: Kotlin Taylor Fausak Spock: Test Well and Prosper Ken Kousen Applying Groovy Closures for Fun and Productivity Venkat Subramaniam SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends Ken Ashcraft, Alfred Fuller What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It’s True Greg Wilson Microservices Martin Fowler How I Finally Stopped Worrying and Learnt to Love Conway’s Law James Lewis Microservices for Mortals Bert Ertman Challenges in Implementing Microservices Fred George DDD & Microservices: At Last, Some Boundaries! Eric Evans Functional Programming; What? Why? When? Robert C Martin Exercises in Programming Style (skip 15 minutes or so) Crista Lopes Mocks & Stubs Ken Scambler Continuous Delivery Jez Humble Stroop, Whorf, And Elixir Dave Thomas Rules Sandi Mets Hopelessness and Confidence in Distributed Systems Design Camille Fournier Elixir Should Take Over the World Jessica Kerr Java Puzzlers - Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel Josh Bloch Jeremy Manson Learning and Perverse Incentives: The Evil Hat Liz Keogh Safe-Fail, NOT Fail-Safe Alicia Juarrero The Silver Bullet Syndrome Hadi Hariri The Power of an Agile Mindset Linda Rising Just Culture Sidney Dekker Is TDD dead? Part IIs TDD dead? [Part II] Is TDD dead? [Part III] David Heinemeier Hansson Martin Fowler Kent Beck Programming is terrible - slides Thomas Figg The Charming Genious of the Apollo Guidance Computer Brian Troutwine Systems programming as a swiss army knife Julia Evans Adventures in Elm Jessica Kerr Cynefin Dave Snowden Agile is Dead Pragmatic Dave Thomas