TripletLoss criterion for Chainer
from chainer import Chain, Variable
from loss import triplet_loss
class TripletNet(Chain):
def forward_once(self, x_data, train=True):
x = Variable(x_data)
h = self.layer1(x)
y = self.layerN(h)
return y
def forward(self, a, p, n, train=True):
y_a = self.forward_once(a, train)
y_p = self.forward_once(p, train)
y_n = self.forward_once(n, train)
return triplet_loss(y_a, y_p, y_n)
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import numpy as np
import itertools
def sample_softnegative_triplets(X, y, xp, model, margin = 0.2):
Returns soft-negative triplets as described in Google 2015 paper:
X - train data
y - labels
xp - chainer.cupy/numpy container (depends wether you have Cuda or not,
you can use simple NumPy if you dont have cuda)
model - chainer model
# forward passing X batch through network to get embeddings for every image
embeddings = model.forward_once(X, train=False)
emb = xp.asnumpy(
except Exception:
emb =
pairwise_distances = cdist(emb, emb, 'sqeuclidean')
a_p = []
triplets = []
for label in np.unique(y):
# forming a-p pairs or each class
a_p.extend(list(itertools.combinations(np.where(y==label)[0], 2)))
for a_i, p_i in a_p:
# extracting current pair distance
a_p_dist = pairwise_distances[a_i, p_i]
# extracting all indexes of negative samples
negatives = np.where(y!=y[a_i])[0]
# subtracting current pair distance from negative pairs (ie a-n)
diff = pairwise_distances[a_i, negatives] - a_p_dist
# extracting soft negatives indexes, ie triplets with a-n distance greater than a-p and within margin
soft_negatives = np.where((diff>0.) & (diff<margin))[0]
# extracting index of most hard among soft-negatives
if len(soft_negatives) > 0:
# finding min index of differences, pointing to soft negatives index, pointing to negative index
n_i = negatives[soft_negatives[diff[soft_negatives].argmin()]]
# adding triplet indexes to result list
triplets.append(np.array((a_i, p_i, n_i)))
# return soft-negative triplets and AP samples amount
return np.array(triplets, dtype=np.int32), len(a_p)
# Can be used in training like this:
def train_batch(X, y, xp, optimizer, model):
triplets, AP_pairs = sample_softnegative_triplets(xp.asarray(X, dtype=xp.float32), y, xp, model)
if len(triplets) == 0:
return 0., AP_pairs, 0.
a = xp.asarray(X[triplets[:, 0]], dtype=xp.float32)
p = xp.asarray(X[triplets[:, 1]], dtype=xp.float32)
n = xp.asarray(X[triplets[:, 2]], dtype=xp.float32)
loss = model.forward(a, p, n)
batch_loss = float( * len(triplets)
return batch_loss, AP_pairs, len(triplets)