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so5extra 1.6 Composite Mbox

Yauheni Akhotnikau edited this page Apr 21, 2023 · 1 revision

The Problem

Suppose we have an agent-producer that sends messages of different types (e.g. M1 and M2) to a single mbox. And we want to implement different strategies for delivering those messages to actual handlers. For example, we want to have a round_robin mbox for M1 messages, and retained_msg for M2 messages.

The problem is that instances of round_robin and retained_msg mboxes will be separate mboxes, but our producer sends all messages to just one mbox.

So we need some kind of facade mbox that will hide our round_robin and retained_msg mboxes under the hood.

The Solution

A new mbox added in v1.5.2 provides a solution to that problem in the form of composite-mbox. That mbox can be seen as a dictionary of several independent mboxes with message type as a key.

For example, we can have an instance of round_robin mbox and set that mbox as the destination for messages of type M1. And we can also have an instance of retained_msg mbox that is used as the destination for messages of type M2.

When a message of type M1 is being sent to a composite-mbox it will seek for a destination for M1 type and will find a round_robin mbox instance, so the message will be redirected to that mbox. The same for messages of type M2: an instance of retained_msg mbox will be found and the message will be redirected to it.

Composite-mbox works as a simple conductor: it doesn't hold subscribers and/or delivery filters, it only holds reference to actual mboxes and delegates all actions to the appropriate destinations.

Usage Example

Very simple usage of composite-mbox mbox can look like this:

#include <so_5_extra/mboxes/composite.hpp>
#include <so_5_extra/mboxes/round_robin.hpp>
#include <so_5_extra/mboxes/retained_msg.hpp>

#include <so_5/all.hpp>

namespace rr_ns = so_5::extra::round_robin;
namespace retained_ns = so_5::extra::retained_msg;
namespace composite_ns = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite;

// Data producer part.

// Message to be used for data spreading.
struct msg_data final : public so_5::message_t {...};
// Message to be used for reporting statistics.
struct msg_generation_stats final : public so_5::message_t {...};

// Agent that produces the data.
class data_producer final : public so_5::agent_t
  // Signal for data generation.
  struct msg_generate final : public so_5::signal_t {};

  // Mbox for data distribution.
  const so_5::mbox_t distribution_mbox_;

  // Timer for data generation.
  so_5::timer_id_t generation_timer_;

  data_producer(context_t & ctx, so_5::mbox_t distribution_mbox)
    : so_5::agent_t{std::move(ctx)}
    , distribution_mbox_{std::move(distribution_mbox)}

  void so_evt_start() override
    generation_timer_ = so_5::send_periodic<msg_generate>(*this);

  void evt_generate(mhood_t<msg_generate>)
    // Generate the next portion of data and related messages.
    // NOTE: all messages are sent to the same mbox.
    so_5::send<msg_data>(distribution_mbox_, ...);
    so_5::send<msg_generation_stats>(distribution_mbox_, ...);

// Data consumer part

class data_consumer final : public so_5::agent_t
  const so_5::mbox_t data_mbox_;
  data_consumer(context_t ctx, so_5::mbox_t data_mbox)
    : so_5::agent_t{std::move(ctx)}
    , data_mbox_{std::move(data_mbox)}
  void so_define_agent() override
    so_subscribe(data_mbox_).event([](mhood_t<msg_data> cmd) { ... });

class stats_consumer final : public so_5::agent_t
  const so_5::mbox_t stats_mbox_;
  stats_consumer(context_t ctx, so_5::mbox_t stats_mbox)
    : so_5::agent_t{std::move(ctx)}
    , stats_mbox_{std::move(stats_mbox)}
  void so_define_agent() override
    so_subscribe(stats_mbox_).event([](mhood_t<msg_generation_stats>) {...});

// Creation of producer and consumers.
env.introduce_coop([](so_5::coop_t & coop) {
    // Create actual mboxes.
    auto data_mbox = rr_ns::make_mbox<>(coop.environment());
    auto stats_mbox = retained_ns::make_mbox<>(coop.environment());

    // Mbox to be used for data distribution.
    auto distribution_mbox =
      // Use MPMC mbox because all messages are sent as immutable.
        // Destinations.
        // Build the mbox.

    // Create agents. Note that we use distribution_mbox for all agents.

Every Destination Is Bound To A Distinct Message Type

Composite-mbox has a major limitation: all message types that are served by composite-mbox have to be described and only one destination can be set for a distinct message type.

It means that a run-time error in the form of so_5::exception_t will be raised in such a case at the point (1):

auto mbox = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::multi_consumer_builder(
  // Define a destination for M1 message type.
  // Try to add another destination for the M1 message type.
  .add<M1>(second_mbox) // (1) An exception will be thrown here.

What To Do With Messages Of Unknown Type?

Because all messages to be handled by a composite mbox have to be described there is a question: what to do with a message of unknown type?

There are several policies that can be applied. A user has to specify the policy at the definition of composite-mbox. Once specified the policy can't be changed.

At the moment composite-mbox supports the following policies.

Redirection To The Default Destination

A user specified a mbox that will be used as the default destination: all messages of unknown types will be redirected to that mbox (subscription attempts and attempts to set a delivery filter will be redirected as well).

A composite-mbox with the default destination can be seen this way:

Usage example:

auto default_dest = env.create_mbox();
auto mbox = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::multi_consumer_builder(

An attempt to make a subscription to a message of type M3, an attempt to set a delivery filter for a message of type M3, an attempt to send a message of type M3 will be redirected to default_dest mbox.

Throwing An Exception

An exception will be thrown at an attempt to subscribe to messages of unknown type, at an attempt to set a delivery filter for messages of unknown type, at an attempt to send a message of unknown type.

Usage example:

auto default_dest = env.create_mbox();
auto mbox = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::multi_consumer_builder(

Dropping A Message

An attempt to subscribe to messages of unknown type or an attempt to set a delivery filter for messages of unknown type will silently be ignored.

A message of unknown type will silently be ignored during delivery (sending).

Usage example:

auto default_dest = env.create_mbox();
auto mbox = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::multi_consumer_builder(

Composite-mbox As MPMC Or MPSC Mbox

An instance of composite mbox can be created as MPMC or MPSC mbox. It's specified by a parameter to mbox_builder function. Or multi_consumer_builder/single_consumer_builder can be used as a more convenient variant:

// MPMC mbox.
auto mpmc = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::multi_consumer_builder(...)

// MPSC mbox.
auto mpsc = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::single_consumer_builder(...)

MPSC mbox allows delivery of mutable messages. It means that MPSC mbox allows to write code like that:

// MPSC mbox.
auto mpsc = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::single_consumer_builder(...)
  // Note that M1 and mutable_msg<M1> are different message types.
  .add< so_5::mutable_msg<M1> >(first_mbox)
  .add< so_5::mutable_msg<M2> >(third_mbox)

If a composite-mbox is being created as a MPSC mbox then MPMC mboxes can be added as destinations, but for immutable messages only. For example:

auto mpmc_dest = env.create_mbox(); // MPMC mbox created.

// MPSC composite-mbox.
auto mpsc = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::single_consumer_builder(...)
  .add<M1>(mpmc_dest) // OK, M1 is an immutable message.
  .add< so_5::mutable_msg<M1> >(mpmc_dest) // ERROR! An exception will be thrown.

Composite-mbox And Delivery Filters

Because composite-mbox doesn't process subscriptions and delivery filters itself and delegates the corresponding calls to destination mboxes the support of delivery filters depends on the destination. If a destination mbox supports delivery filters then an attempt to set a delivery filter will be successful. Otherwise an exception will be thrown by the destination mbox.

multi_consumer_builder, single_consumer_builder, And mbox_builder Functions

There are two main functions for the creation of composite mbox builder:

// Creates a builder for multi-producer/multi-consumer mbox.
[[nodiscard]] mbox_builder_t
   so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::type_not_found_reaction_t type_not_found_reaction);

// Creates a multi-producer/single-consumer mbox.
[[nodiscard]] mbox_builder_t
   so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::type_not_found_reaction_t type_not_found_reaction);

Both are just thin wrappers around mbox_builder function that is actually used for creation of a builder. It has the following signature:

[[nodiscard]] mbox_builder_t
   so_5::mbox_type_t mbox_type,
   so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::type_not_found_reaction_t type_not_found_reaction);

mbox_builder_t Isn't Thread-Safe Type

An instance of mbox_builder_t type returned by mbox_builder function (or multi_consumer_builder/single_consumer_builder functions) can be stored for some (not so long) time. For example:

auto builder = so_5::extra::mboxes::composite::multi_consumer_builder(...);
auto mbox = builder.make(env);

The mbox_builder_t isn't a thread-safe type. It's assumed that the instance of mbox_builder_t will be modified from just one thread.

NOTE. An instance of composite-mbox is thread-safe.

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