Install all fonts
-yay -S otf-font-awesome
-yay -S ttf-font-awesome
-yay -S siji-git
-yay -S ttf-iosevka
Uses the bumblebee-status panel
-yay -S bumblebee-status
-sudo pacman -S rxvt-unicode
-yay -S materia-gtk-theme
-yay -S rofi-git
-yay -S python-xkbgroup
Key | Purpose |
$mod + (1-9,0) | Switch to workspaces with number 1-10 |
$mod + Shift + (1-9,0) | Move the container to the workspaces with number 1-10 |
$mod + Left(Down,Up,Right) | focus left(down, up, right) window |
$mod + Shift+ Left(Down,Up,Right) | move focused window left (down, up, right) |
$mod + Return | terminal |
$mod + Shift + q | Kill the focused window |
$mod + Shift + e | Log out |
$mod + Shift + r | Restart I3 inplace |
$mod + r | Activate resize mode |
$mod + Shift + space | Toggle floating status of the focused container |
$mod + space | Change focus between tiling and floating windows |
$mod + l | Lock the system |
$mod + z | Rofi GUI to switch to a window |
$mod + x | Rofi GUI to open a program |
$mod + d | Rofi GUI to open a program |