Movie trailer website project, part of the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree.
A Python program that produces the HTML for a movie website that displays a number of movies. Click on a movie poster to play its trailer.
Python 2.x is required to run this project. The Python executable should be in your default path, which the Python installer should have set.
This project consists for the following files:
- - main Python script to run
- - contains the class Movie that stores movie details
- - creates the HTML file for the website (Udacity supplied)
Download the project zip file to you computer and unzip the file. Or clone this repository to your desktop.
Open the text-based interface for your operating system (e.g. the terminal window in Linux, the command prompt in Windows).
Navigate to the project directory and type in the following command:
Your default browser should launch a new tab displaying the movie trailer website.
The following features were implemented to gain an extra credit from Udacity:
- Added the storyline of the movie to the website.
- Added the release date to the Movie class, which is also displayed on the website.
- Changed the background and text colour to create a dark theme for the website.
- Added subtle drop shadow to the movie poster images.
This README document is based on a template suggested by PhilipCoach in this Udacity forum post.