This project is a plugin for Everest™ and ERT, that holds an amalgamation of forward models and workflows maintained and used by Equinor and TNO.
pip install git+
This can also be done by downloading the latest release
git clone
Install test dependencies
pip install .[test]
# pip install -e .[test] # if editable is desire
# pip install .\[test\] # zsh
Run tests
pytest -sv
Install documentation dependencies
pip install .[docs]
# pip install -e .[docs] # if editable is desire
# pip install .\[docs\] # zsh
If missing, autogenerate forward model jobs reference documentation resources
Start Documentation Server
mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
INFO - Cleaning site directory
INFO - Documentation built in 1.94 seconds
INFO - [20:45:25] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO - [20:45:25] Serving on
Head to the given address (localhost:port)