This project was created as a final project for my CS322 course during my senior year spring semester. Needed implementation to fulfill the project:
- Open information Game with no dice or chance elements.
- Ability to play human vs human
- Two A.I players
- Alpha Beta Pruning player
- Reinforcement model player that I will also train
GUI of a game was not neccesary, but I decided to create it anyways using PyGame library. There is no types forced in code; however, I am enforcing types in A.I player classes to make sure that I am not making type mistakes.
To run the code simply start virtualenvironment: virtualenv venv --> and then --> source venv/bin/activate Download the dependcies and required packages: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Then start the code: python3
Utility folder contains classes that I used to make my code modular, simple to read, and managble.
- Node Class -->
Alpha Beta Pruning uses a tree to portray possible moves and expected outcomes. I connected it under the same umbrella using node class with attributes such as children and game state.
P.S ----> Add this to readme.MD file under the utility folder.