Here you can find many projects that I work on, there's also a lot of informative stuff about my college and other projects from
🔭 I’m currently working to build a community at UFRPE-DEVS!
📓 I've also researched about Synthetic Dataset Generation for one of my Undergraduate Research at Federal Rural University in colaboration with AiBoxLab Research Group. Take a look at SteffanoP/cbdgen!
🌱 But lately I've been exploring and learning more about DevOps Culture and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). For now, I've been learning about Cloud Providers, such as Amazon AWS Services and Microsoft Azure.
🧐 Nonetheless, I've been also looking to automate workflows and pipelines, exploring technologies such as GitHub Actions to manage GitHub Repositories, as well as, Hashicorp Terraform to provision cloud resources in the Cloud and Hashicorp Vault to keep secrets safe!
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects! If I fit into your project somehow, please contact me!
💬 Ask me about {Git, Java, C, Arduino, Python, GitHub Actions, Terraform, Vault, AWS, Azure, [...]}
📫 You can reach me by sending me an email or if you prefer send me a note at in/SteffanoP
😄 Pronouns: He/him//ele/dele
⚡ Fun fact: I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and as you can see, I love Obi-Wan Kenobi! Such a great character that I hoped Disney could treat him better.