currently features Tic Tac Toe and Blackjack.
- Download the code and unzip it.
- Run Landing_page.html with your browser, I recommend Firefox.
- The individual games can be found at the top of the page in the navbar
- Blackjack
- Blackjack with a deck and card images. Dealer's second card is hidden until the end.
- Ace is either 11 or 1, depending on what is better for you.
- You can restart the game, Take a hit, stay or surrender.
- Dealer hits until he reaches 17.
- You can play the game using your keyboard input - "r", "h", "s".
- Value of your hand is also displayed.
- Connect Four
- A Connect Four game made for 2 players.
- You can win by getting four in a row, collumn or a diagonal.
- If all fields are filled, It's a tie.
- The state of the game is displayed in the text at the top.
- The input is handled with event listeners in the table and the text at the top.
- Tic Tac Toe
- Two player game.
- Score counter for each player.
- You can use your mouse or the numpad to play.
- You can press "r" to restart.