PyLogrus is a structured logger for Python which is inspired by Logrus
Golang library PyLogrus extends the
built-in logging
module with the ability making a colorized records
in log and records in JSON format.
Using this package, you will be able to:
- colorize output in console (Textual format)
- switch off the colorization (Textual format)
- add extra fields in a log record
- add permanent extra fields in a log record
- add permanent prefix for message
- create a new contextual instance
- save log records in the JSON format
- override the names of logging levels
- override colors of base elements (Textual format)
- override name of keys (JSON format)
- define only needed fields in records (JSON format)
- create time of a record in Zulu format
import logging
from pylogrus import PyLogrus
TextFormatter class allows colorizing console output by setting a
argument. The colorization can be switched off. Time of log
record may be set in Zulu format. Just set datefmt
argument as 'Z'.
import logging
from pylogrus import PyLogrus, TextFormatter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # type: PyLogrus
formatter = TextFormatter(datefmt='Z', colorize=True)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
You can define only necessary changes:
formatter = TextFormatter(datefmt='Z', colorize=True)
formatter.override_level_names({'CRITICAL': 'CRIT', 'ERROR': 'ERRO', 'WARNING': 'WARN', 'DEBUG': 'DEBU'})
or for instance:
formatter.override_level_names({'CRITICAL': 'FATAL'})
TextFormatter has several base elements which can be colorized. You can
get them via color
print(formatter.color) ... { 'asctime': '\x1b[2;37m', # time of log record 'prefix': '\x1b[0;36m', # message prefix 'field': '\x1b[0;32m', # key of extra field 'value': '\x1b[0m', # value of extra field 'debug': '\x1b[0;34m', 'info': '\x1b[0;32m', 'warning': '\x1b[0;33m', 'error': '\x1b[0;31m', 'critical': '\x1b[2;31m' }
A color of elements can be changed using CL_* constants. You can define new color only for those elements you need.
from pylogrus import PyLogrus, TextFormatter, CL_BLDYLW
formatter = TextFormatter(colorize=True)
formatter.override_colors({'prefix': CL_BLDYLW})
JsonFormatter class allows to save log records in the JSON format. During class initialization, you can:
- Set time of log record in Zulu format. Just set
argument as 'Z'. - Define a list of enabled fields which will be present in a log record
argument. An enabled field is represented by original field name or by a tuple which contains the original name and new desirable name. The new name overrides the original one in an output. - For pretty print a JSON log record in a console, set the
arguments (optional).
import logging
from pylogrus import PyLogrus, JsonFormatter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # type: PyLogrus
enabled_fields = [
('name', 'logger_name'),
('asctime', 'service_timestamp'),
('levelname', 'level'),
('threadName', 'thread_name'),
('exception', 'exception_class'),
('stacktrace', 'stack_trace'),
('funcName', 'function')
formatter = JsonFormatter(datefmt='Z', enabled_fields=enabled_fields, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
Name of levels can be overridden in the same way as in case of using the TextFormatter.
formatter = JsonFormatter()
formatter.override_level_names({'WARNING': 'WARN'})
Please, see the examples of usage in the examples
Log message as usual:
import logging
from pylogrus import PyLogrus, TextFormatter
def get_logger():
formatter = TextFormatter()
return logger
log = get_logger()
log.debug("Using base logger")
Log message with an extra field:
log.withFields({'user': 'John Doe'}).debug("Message with an extra field")
Add permanent field(s) in logger and get a contextual instance:
log_ctx = log.withFields({'context': 1})"Add permanent field into current logger")
Add permanent prefix to message for current logger instance:
log_ctx = log_ctx.withPrefix("[API]")"Add prefix as a permanent part of a message")
Log message with extra fields:
'user': 'Admin',
'transaction_id': str(uuid.uuid4())
}).warning("Message with prefix and extra fields")