StarkSwirl is a privacy preserving token mixer that allow users to use the public blockchain Starknet and keep their privacy.
We have two submodules :
- The
repository is the smart contract, zk and backend repository. - The
repository is the frontend repository.
In order to interact with the application you need to generate two secret numbers, you can do that on the web page, or you can use another random number generator that you trust. These two random numbers will be hashed together and will be send to the on-chain contract together with the tokens. The user should keep the numbers into a safe place because they will be used in the withdrawal process. Submitting just the hash of these numbers nobody can guess the numbers, or revert the hash, this property is called collision-resistant. Now the deposit is complete.
When the user want to withdraw the tokens from the contract he can do it from another wallet an nobody could link these two wallets. In order to withdraw, the user will input the secret numbers into a local script that he will run on his trusted computer. Nobody can see these numbers, but the script will generate a zk proof that will attend the fact that the user know two numbers that when are hashed together it will result in a specific hash that is stored on-chain in a merkle tree in the contract. With this proof and nothing more, the user can withdraw tokens from any address that he want, without revealing any information that will link to the initial deposit address
cd tools && ./cairo1-run ../src/lib.cairo \
--layout recursive \
--air_public_input ../public_input.json \
--air_private_input ../private_input.json \
--trace_file ../trace \
--memory_file ../memory \
--args '[10, 11, "1129815197211541481934112806673325772687763881719835256646064516195041515616", "2786116088662035069066189777680990419908396521409751409107279532930231316343", "1715556295878999972957474070461491436465516895623517391664966219403971354436", 1, 8, ["1953494062994346031473676762198846975365628378496072945247633132004575093152", "126113334767614658176188594640568076708777092902948464648204141774749582367"], ["2786116088662035069066189777680990419908396521409751409107279532930231316343", "3144957507973559441671210571674558258320337923190994230670584137810138721781"]]'
cd ../
python3 ./tools/ public_input.json ./tools/new_cpu_air_params.json
cd tools && ./cpu_air_prover \
--out_file ../proof.json \
--private_input_file ../private_input.json \
--public_input_file ../public_input.json \
--prover_config_file ./cpu_air_prover_config.json \
--parameter_file cpu_air_params.json \
cd ../
Now you can take the proof.json and submit it to the StarkSwirl web and make the withdraw
cd tools
./cpu_air_verifier --in_file=../proof.json && echo "Successfully verified example proof."
cd ../
Running the verifier locally
cd tools/herodotus && ./runner --program cairo_verifier.sierra.json -c cairo1 < ../../proof.json
cd ../../
cd tools/herodotus && ./snfoundry_proof_serializer -c cairo1 < ../../fibonacci_proof.json > ../../calldata
./ 0x274d8165a19590bdeaa94d1dd427e2034462d7611754ab3e15714a908c60df7 ../../calldata
cd ../../
Deployed contract on sepolia network can be found here
- Integrity verifier - we use the verifier to check on-chain that the proof from the stone-prover is valid. The proof will attest that the user know the pre-image of a hash and that hash is part of the merkle tree with the root stored in the contract on-chain
- Cairo-lib:MMR - Merkle Mountain Range is an extension to the merkle tree data structure that are very efficient when append data.
- stone-prover - we use the prover build by Starkware to generate a privacy preserving proof of knowledge. The user can generate a proof of running a Cairo program that will attest the knowledge of the pre-image of a commitment that is stored inside a merkle tree.
This is built using
- NextJS
- TypeScript
- starknet-js
- starknet-react
- TailwindCSS
- ShadCn
- Aceternity UI
First install the dependencies:
pnpm i
npm i
Then, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Then, open localhost:3000