Health check helper for loopback datasources.
- Verify that data is accessible by doing Count queries to the passed in models
- Cache the response of those counts for a predefined amount of time.
- Make sure the Count queries execute under a predefined amount of time
var status = require('loopback-status');
var Status = new status(
models: [app.models.YouModel],
okStatus: 200, // Response code to return when all is well
nokStatus: 503, // Response code to return when any DB requests fail
slowStatus: 408, // Response code to return when DB response takes too long
cacheTimer: 30000, // How long to preserve cached result for
dbTimeout: 10000 // how long to wait before DB results come back
In the boot directory of your loopback app add a new file:
var status = require('loopback-status');
// Install a `/` route that returns server status
module.exports = function (app)
var Status = new status(
models: [app.models.YourModel1, app.models.YourModel2]
var router = app.loopback.Router();