Pubsub system for Loopback using Google Pubsub
In a boot script
// Instanciate with the app and tell it what model name to listen to
var pubsubClient = require('loopback-google-pubsub')(app,
type: 'client',
serviceName: CLIENT_NAME,
modelsToSubscribe: ['Order'],
eventFn: function(modelName, methodName, modelId, data, cb) {...}
Then in the models you want to use pubsub
// Require the pubsub with options.serviceName
var pubsubClient = require('loopback-google-pubsub')(app, {serviceName: CLIENT_NAME});
In a boot script
// Instanciate with the app
var pubsubServer = require('loopback-google-pubsub')(app,
type: 'server',
serviceName: SERVER_NAME,
modelsToBroadcast: ['Order'],
//Optional list of functions taking (modelName, methodName, instance, ctx) as arguments. If any return false, message will not be published
filters: [filterFunction1, filterFunction2]
is required, as it is used to differentiate topic and subscription names by environment on Google PubSub.