If you want to see my robot in gazebo you need to download from my repository package(folder) "my_robot_gazebo" in folder "src" which is located in your workspace. Then you need to open console and enter comands in your workspace:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch my_robot_gazebo xacro.launch
Robot-platform with 4 wheels and base (big cylinder) each of wheels attached to 2 links. Together 2 links can rotate and so my robot can move around center of base. Also he can turn using small radius of turning.
- location: /MY-Robot/screens_robot/
Control of robot launches by launch "xacro.launch". So "xacro.launch" create node which opens file "movesctript.py" for control.
Video below shows movemaent of each joint:
- link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L06_kYmk1I
For moving wheel with camera and create 5 pictures you can launch "xacro.launch", which launches 2 node for launching 2 scripts with publisher and subscriber.
- Location 5 pictures from camera: /MY-Robot/screens_robot/
Video below shows that all work:
- link to video: https://youtu.be/D4T99M6cHCM
Unit test launches from folder tests/unit_test by command:
python unit.py
Integration test launch from your workspace:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch tests test.launch