The cross-platform desktop swiss-army knife for GIFs, APNGs and spritesheets. Create, split, convert or alter GIFs and animated PNGs as well as quickly making spritesheets, all with easy-to-use-but-powerful-when-needed controls.
TridentFrame consists of two main parts. The python backend handling image processing, and the web frontend (HTML-CSS-JS) for the UI, image previews and input controls.
- Electron : Cross-platform GUI.
- Vue : Frontend framework.
- Pillow : Image preprocessing and spritesheet handling.
- ImageMagick : GIF manipulation.
- Gifsicle : GIF creation and splitting.
- pyAPNG : APNG creation & splitting.
- apngdis : APNG disassembler.
- apngopt : APNG modification.
- pngquant : PNG lossy compression.
- Bulma : For the clean UI.
- Sass : Modifying bulma's styles.
- Font Awesome : Icons.
Make sure to have the following installed:
- Python 3.7 (or above)
- Pipenv (optional)
- Node.js 14 (or above)
Clone repository:
$ git clone
[Optional] Setup python virtual environment, install Pipfile dependencies and activate the environment (this example uses pipenv):
$ pipenv install --dev $ pipenv shell
Install node dependencies:
$ npm i
Perform each of these commands in separate terminal windows:
Start up webpack dev server:
$ npm run wpserve
Then start Electron:
$ npm run dev
NOTE: If using a python virtual environment, make sure to activate it before running these commands.
$ npm run release-windows
$ npm run release-linux