Greetings people from the Future!
Since you are here, I'm going to assume that you are a part of the rich fraternity of IIT Patna. I'm also going to assume that you are soon going to have your gruelling Semester examinations, or assignment that's due, Or anything in between really.
We've all been there, and in our case many many years before you guys. And we've probably already figured out our way around the Tricky tutorials, Ambiguous assignments and the Exhilarating exams, and there's no need for you guys to go through the same suffering. So, we decided to build this repo that includes all the course content related to subjects on offer for Computer Science Students. So if you need notes, or slides, or *Ahem* references for your assignments, look no further!
Repo contains 8 Sub-Repos corresponding to 8 semesters. Each Semester repo has Folders representing the subjects, in the format <Course Code> - <Course Name> And each Subject folder has the following sub-folders.
- Notes (Handwritten, by the toppers :))
- Slides (Theory slides from Profs)
- Resources (Extra content)
- Mid-Sem Archive (Past Mid sem Question papers)
- End-Sem Archive (Past End sem Question papers)
- ATP (For Assignments, Tutorials & Projects)
This repo will stay alive if and only if the community wishes to do so. Therefore, on behalf of all the seniors, I'd like to request the upcoming generations to keep updating the repo (in the given format). Whenever there's a new course, or an existing course went obsolete, or new quizzes and solutions, or new question papers for the semester examinations, please keep updating them here.
Together Let's Open source CSE@IIT Patna!