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The vuelandia gem interfaces with the API to search for and book hotel rooms.


I'm sure you know how to install Ruby gems by now...

In your Gemfile, before a bundle install, add:

gem "vuelandia", "~> X.X.X"

Note: you'll need to replace X.X.X in the example above with the latest gem version visible in the badge above.

Manually, via command line:

gem install vuelandia

Available queries

  • perform_search_availability
    • Parameters
      • Required
        • :destination
        • :check\_in\_date (format: 'YYYY-MM-DD')
        • :check\_out\_date (format: 'YYYY-MM-DD')
        • :occupancies
      • Optional
        • :language
        • :hotel_list
        • :destination_id
        • :country_code
        • :hotel_information
        • :filters
  • perform_additional_information
    • Parameters
      • Required
        • :obj
        • :datos
      • Optional
        • :language
        • :show_more_rates
  • perform_booking_confirmation
    • Parameters
      • Required
        • :obj
        • :datos
        • :client
      • Optional
        • :language
        • :company
        • :comment
        • :reference
  • perform_voucher
    • Parameters
      • Required
        • bookingID
        • seg
      • Optional
        • language
  • perform_booking_cancellation
    • Parameters
      • Required
        • bookingID
        • securityCode
      • Optional
        • language
        • cancelConfirm
  • perform_all_destinations_list
    • Parameters
      • Optional
        • :language
  • perform_booking_list
    • Parameters
      • Optional
        • language
        • bookingID
        • locator
        • agencyReference
        • bookingDateRange
        • customerName
        • hotelID
        • hotelName
        • bookingStatus
      • Info
        • Parameters are optional, but there must be at least one present.
  • perform_hotel_list
    • Parameters
      • Required
        • zoneID
      • Optional
        • :language


Create the connection to Vuelandia

client = "user", password: "pass"[, endpoint: :test, proxy: proxy])
  • endpoint can be either :test or :live
  • proxy is a hash with keys :address, :port, :user, :password

Perform the search

search = client.perform_XXX(parameters)
  • The reponse to a search is a Net::HTTP response and its body is the reponse XML to your query. You can use this XML however you want, but usually you would want to parse it

Parse the XML

parser =
data = parser.parse_XXX(search.body, [type: type])
  • type can be :file but it's :string by default
  • data is an object which properties depends on the query made
  • Format of parsed data depends on the type of query made.

Note: you'll need to replace XXX in the examples above with the name of the query you want to perform


In this section I will demonstrate how to call the perform_XXX methods, but, in order to query the objects obtained from the parsing methods, you will need the documentation of the service and you will also need to take a look to the classes.rb file.

  • To search for one room for 2 adults and a 5 year old kid and two other rooms, each with 3 adults in Madrid from 2016-1-5 to 2016-1-10 using a proxy to connect to internet

      proxy = { address: "proxy-address", port: 3128, user: "proxy-user", password: "proxy-password" }	
      client = "user", password: "pass", proxy: proxy) 
      occupancy1 =
      occupancy1.Rooms = 1
      occupancy1.Adults = 2
      occupancy1.Children = 1
      occupancy1.ChildAges = [5]
      occupancy2 =
      occupancy2.Rooms = 2
      occupancy2.Adults = 3
      occupancy2.Children = 0
      response = client.perform_search_availability(destination: "Madrid", check_in_date: "2016-1-5", check_out_date: "2016-1-10", occupancies: [occupancy1, occupancy2])
      #since the response is a Net::HTTPResponse instance, you could do something like
      if response.code == '200'
      	parser =
      	parsed_data = parser.parse_search_availability(response.body)
  • If we want to limit the previous search results to a price range, the previous query would be

      filters = { prices: { price_from: 100, price_to: 500 } }
      client.perform_search_availability(destination: "Madrid", check_in_date: "2016-1-5", check_out_date: "2016-1-10", occupancies: [occupancy1, occupancy2], filters: filters )
  • To find out details about the previous search after parsing the data into parsed_data

      unless parsed_data[:multiple]
      	parsed_data = parsed_data[:data]
      	response = client.perform_hotel_details_availability(hotelID: parsed_data.Hotel.HotelDetails.ID, sessionID: parsed_data.SessionID)
      	parsed_details = parser.parse_hotel_details_availability(response.body)
      	puts "Multiple Results"
  • To obtain additional information before booking

      response = client.perform_additional_information(obj: parsed_data.obj, datos: parsed_data.Hotels[0].Rooms[0].Boards[0].DATOS)
  • To confirm a booking

      the_client = "Client", surnames: "Sur Names")
      response = client.perform_booking_confirmation(obj: parsed_data.obj, datos: parsed_data.Hotels[0].Rooms[0].Boards[0].DATOS, client: the_client)
      parsed_booking = parser.parse_booking_confirmation(response.body)
  • To get a voucher

      if parsed_booking.ERROR == 0
      	client.perform_voucher(bookingID: parsed_booking.BookingID, seg: parsed_booking.SecurityCode)
      	puts "There was an error during the booking confirmation phase."
  • If we want to cancel our booking

      client.perform_booking_cancellation(bookingID: parsed_booking.BookingID, securityCode: parsed_booking.SecurityCode, cancelConfirm: true)

Other helpful methods are

  • To know all possible destinations

  • To search for bookings using parameters

      client.perform_booking_list(bookingDateRange: { type: 2, fromDate: 2016-1-5, toDate: 2016-1-10 })
  • To find out what all possible hotels are given a zone id

      client.perform_hotel_list(zoneID: 10)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Interfaces with the Vuelandia API to book hotel rooms







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