Keep track of movies you have watched and movies that you plan to watch.
- Make list bigger, most important part of app
- Hide unimplemented features
- Implement TV series
- Search disk or folder for movies
- Implement reactive extensions
- Logging
- Add sorting/showing by country. Add country and flag to view
- Extend GetResponseAsync with timeout
- Make taskbar icon show progress when redownloading all data
- Automatically redownload data if no image can be fetched. Add setting maybe
- Add showing released / not released
- Automatically highlight searh in list when typing
- Automatically do search in search box, done with binding delay
- Make field for actors two lines
- Remember seen / not seen option
- Remember movie shown when closing program
- Implemented async/await web request
- Implemented redownload of data for all movies
- Search with imdb link
- Added optional search argument year
- Open previous file on startup setting
- Fixed inconsistencies in my rating
- Fixed redownloading data not updating view
- Fixed bug with genre when opening a file
- Fixed some web request timeout exceptions
- Added settings file. Can open previous list when starting application. Has to be edited manully for now.
- Added random movie button.
- Added dialog box when closing without saving.
- Cleaned up some of the code. Still more to do.
- Stopped serializing unwanted data to json.
- Fixed starting new list, view is not empty, make sure old is saved first.
- Search window focus set to textbox.
- Fixed when json from OMDB contains errors. ex Fists of legend. Have to discard for now.
- Various other bug fixes.
- Added user rating
- Added sorting by title, imdb rating, user rating and year
- Added viewing by genre
- UI updated
- Fixed UI scaling
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts not working
- Rotten Tomatoes included