We are an organisation!
- SpeedyWeather.jl, a spectral atmospheric model with simple physics
- RingGrids a library for iso-latitude grids on the sphere (and extended into N-dimensional arrays) and their interpolation for SpeedyWeather.jl
- LowerTriangularMatrices a library for lower triangular matrices (and extended into N-dimensional arrays) used for the spherical harmonics in SpeedyWeather.jl
- SpeedyTransforms a library for the spherical harmonic transform between spectral space (using LowerTriangularMatrices) and grid-point space (using RingGrids) used by SpeedyWeather.jl
- StochasticStir.jl, for stochastic stirring of vorticity in mid-latitudes with a jetstream-dependent drag term.
- ManyZonalJets.jl as initial conditions for SpeedyWeather's shallow-water model with each jet following Galewsky, 2004.
- RainMaker.jl, a repository to analyse and document the rainfall in one location
- WilliamsonTests.jl, a repository for the Williamson et al. 1992 tests for solving the shallow water equations on the sphere