Its been less than a week but its time for another release! Since the last release, we've been listening to feedback and implemented some changes to make Hoverfly just that little bit better than it already was.
URL and HTTP Method Matching on Response Delays
In v0.7.0 we introduced response delays, a great way to introduce delays into your simulations. With v0.7.1, we've expanded the functionality of response delays. Originally, you could only apply delays based on host. We've expanded it. You can now apply delays based on the full URL path and HTTP methods. This change allows for your response delays to be much more flexible.
This change means that the "hostPattern" field in your response delays will now need to be "urlPattern". Response delays will no longer work with "hostPattern"
For more information on response delays: Simulating service latency
Logging in Hoverctl
Another big feature of v0.7.0 was the introduction of hoverctl, the command line tool for interacting with both Hoverfly and your simulation data inside it. One of the biggest drawbacks to using hoverctl was that if you started an instance of Hoverfly using it, you lost access to the logs. This is no longer the case. We've added logs to hoverctl. You can how call hoverctl logs
and get access to the Hoverfly logs. Need to tail the logs and follow them in real time? Not a problem, use the --follow
For more information on hoverctl: hoverctl reference
Both Hoverfly and hoverctl did not have --version flags, making them noncompliant with POSIX guidelines. v0.7.1 adds the --version flag to both Hoverfly and hoverctl.
For more information on hoverctl: hoverctl reference
For more information on Hoverfly flags: Hoverfly flags and environment variables
Hoverfly on Homebrew
Its been a requested feature for a while. Hoverfly is now available using Homebrew. This formula includes both Hoverfly and hoverctl. It is currently not available on homebrew-core and instead, resides in its own SpectoLabs tap.
If you want to install Hoverfly via Homebrew, please run brew install SpectoLabs/tap/hoverfly