We've been busy adding new features to Hoverfly, as well as developing tools to support the use of Hoverfly.
We have created a new command line interface for Hoverfly. This allows for the management of local and remote Hoverfly instances. Using hoverctl, you can start and stop instances of Hoverfly, and manage Hoverfly data. You can export your simulations and then share them on SpectoLab, an API simulation repository for sharing and retrieving simulations. SpectoLab is currently in private beta, but you can request access. Hoverctl will still work with Hoverfly, even if you don't have access to SpectoLab.
For more information on hoverctl: hoverctl reference
Install script
Run the following command to install and set up Hoverfly and hoverctl:
curl -o install.sh https://storage.googleapis.com/specto-binaries/install.sh && bash install.sh
Add response delays (without using middleware)
We noticed that a common usage of middleware was to introduce response delays to simulations, so we've added the ability to set response delays in Hoverfly without the need for middleware. Hoverfly uses a regex to match against a request, opening up the opportunity to add different delays to different hosts.
For more information on response delays: Simulating service latency
Run Hoverfly as a webserver
We also got feedback that running Hoverfly as a proxy was not always desirable (or even possible), especially when simulations have been recorded previously and all you need is simulate mode. Now Hoverfly can run as a webserver, allowing you to point your application directly at Hoverfly without having to configure a proxy. Currently this only works via HTTP.
For more information on running Hoverfly as a webserver: Server type
Other stuff
Also, this release introduces a new repository structure. This was mainly due to the introduction of hoverctl. The end result is a much tidier repository that makes it easy to run different suites of functional tests.