The dependencies on this project are shaky at best, proceed with caution.
The mobile directory inside the screens
folder seems to be based on the user flow inside the applications: the left tab option is Collaborate, the middle is Home, and the right is User Settings. From there each tab is broken down to its sub components.
The mobile application connects to the heroku api, to connect to a local database you must update your local ip addres in the env file. You must also run a local instance of the desktop version on the same wifi. After that search and replace all instances of HEROKU_SERVER with LOCAL_SERVER. Ensure the desktop version of the project is running on the same ip:port as your env file.
- Navigate to your device's App Store/Google Play Store and download "Expo Go"
- Create an account: Expo Sign Up
- After setting up a local instance using the instructions above, run
npm install -g eas-cli
to globally install the eas command line interface. - After it installs run
eas login
and login to the Expo account you just created.
- Locate the "Next Team Info" document to find the Expo P2BPAdmin login info and login: Expo Login
- After logging in, on the top left corner of the screen you should see "p2bpadmin" and a dropdown menu, select the dropdown.
- Under Organizations, select pipeline-to-better-placemaking
- On the left side of the screen, select the option Organization Settings
- On the left side of the screen, select the option Members
- On the right side of the screen, select the option Invite Members
- We recommend inviting the team as Developers and the project manager as Admim
(NOTE: Expo invitations do expire so be sure to accept them soon after sending.)
The link in the header has the relevant information
Only update the internal build with completed components.
Otherwise use eas update
to and follow the prompts to update the master branch of the internal deployment
- Install Expo Go refer to Expo Guide -> Installing Expo
- Download the
file from the OneDrive -> Design Documentation - Fall 2022, SD1 -> Environment Files, rename it accordingly and place it in the root of your project directory
In order to run a local instance enter these commands in the root directory:
npm install -force
npm start
After that a QR code will appear in your console, scan the code with your phone and an instance of the mobile application should load.
Deploying to iPhone through XCode (Google Maps doesn't currently work and not sure why you would want to do this)
- Create a .xcodeworkspaceproj by running:
npx expo run:ios
- Start XCode and open the .xcodeworkspaceproj
- If you haven't already sign up for a PERSONAL Apple Developer Account (This will be free if not you're looking at the wrong thing, this will not cost $99)
- Open Signing&Capabilities by double clicking the blue project directory
- Assign your personal team as the signing team
- Should be able to run and deploy on iPhone