FedP3: Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly Network Pruning under Model Heterogeneity
Kai Yi, Nidham Gazagnadou, Peter Richtarik, Lingjuan Lyu
ICLR 2024
The interest in federated learning has surged in recent research due to its unique ability to train a global model using privacy-secured information held locally on each client. This paper pays particular attention to the issue of client-side model heterogeneity, a pervasive challenge in the practical implementation of FL that escalates its complexity. Assuming a scenario where each client possesses varied memory storage, processing capabilities and network bandwidth - a phenomenon referred to as system heterogeneity - there is a pressing need to customize a unique model for each client. In response to this, we present an effective and adaptable federated framework FedP3, representing Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly network Pruning, tailored for model heterogeneity scenarios. Our proposed methodology can incorporate and adapt well-established techniques to its specific instances. We offer a theoretical interpretation of FedP3 and its locally differential-private variant, DP-FedP3, and theoretically validate their efficiencies.
# create a conda virtual environment
conda create -n fedp3 python=3.8
# activate the conda environment
conda activate fedp3
pip install cachetools==4.1.1 scikit-learn==0.23.2 scipy==1.4.1
pip install torchvision==0.5.0 torch==1.4.0 numpy==1.18.1
# any other packages
We first provide the ablation studies of FedAvg
, LowerB
, OPU2
and OPU3
under four standard small-medium scale datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, EMNIST-L and FashionMNIST.
Our code supports downloading every dataset automatically from their corresponding official website. An running example is as follows:
python main.py --filepath OPU2_0000.txt --dataset CIFAR10 --method OPU2 --lr 0.01 --local_ep 10 --lr_decay 1 --rule noniid --dir_a 0.5 --gpu 0 --epoch 500 --beta 0.001 --bs 10 --local_bs 48
We also conduct extensive experiments on larger networks including ResNet18. An running example is
python main.py --filepath OPU2_0000.txt --dataset CIFAR10 --method OPU2 --lr 0.01 --local_ep 10 --lr_decay 1 --rule noniid --dir_a 0.5 --gpu 0 --epoch 500 --beta 0.001 --bs 10 --local_bs 48
We are allowed to choose different pruning strategies, fixed
, uniform
, od
python main.py --pruning [fixed|uniform|od] --filepath OPU2_0000.txt --dataset CIFAR10 --method OPU2 --lr 0.01 --local_ep 10 --lr_decay 1 --rule noniid --dir_a 0.5 --gpu 0 --epoch 500 --beta 0.001 --bs 10 --local_bs 48
We are allowed to choose different pruning strategies, mean
, weight
python main.py --agg [mean|weight] --filepath OPU2_0000.txt --dataset CIFAR10 --method OPU2 --lr 0.01 --local_ep 10 --lr_decay 1 --rule noniid --dir_a 0.5 --gpu 0 --epoch 500 --beta 0.001 --bs 10 --local_bs 48
- Allow partial client participation
If you have any questions regarding the code and the paper, please feel free to contact Kai Yi ([email protected]).
If you find this repository useful for your research, please consider citing our work:
author={Yi, Kai and Gazagnadou, Nidham and Richtarik, Peter and Lyu, Lingjuan},
journal={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
title = {FedP3: Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly Network Pruning under Model Heterogeneity},
year = {2024}}