european campaign website to protect the free and neutral internet
##how can you help?
- we always need help with translations in other languages or reviewers of the work of other translators
- talk about the campaign, tell your friends
- call MEPs, write e-mails, send them a fax or an letter
- put an banner on your website
- share the website on social media platforms
- be creative and come up with ideas we haven't thought about
###step by step explanation on how to propose changes on this website
- you make yourself a account
- go to
- click “fork” (you create your own working copy)
- click “index.html”
- click “edit”
- make all your changes on the file
- click “commit changes”
- click “pull requests”
- click “Click to create a pull request for this comparison” (that's to let us know about your changes to the website)
- you are done and you are great! you helped strg+s the internet <3
UPDATE: please always work on up-to-date versions of your forked repository. if you forked your repository some time back then better delete it and fork again (or use comand line to update).
###My language is missing! How can I translate the website into another language?
It's easy:
- just follow the above instructions to create your working copy of the website.
- create a folder with your language short code (e.g. de,en,fr,pl)
- copy the index.html file into this folder
- translate all english texts into your language
- commit & make a pull request
- you're done!