Created for HackED 2021
We wanted to make a fun party game that we could quickly set up and play with our friends.
Sets up and moderates a game where players create problematic prompts for other players to create a solution for. Inspired by Patently Stupid from Jackbox Games.
We used Python and the discordpy library. We also used google-cloud to host the discord bot to keep it online 24/7.
- Use !play to join the game session.
- Use !start to become the game master and start the game.
- Use !submit to create a prompt for others.
- Use !done when you're all done submitting prompts.
- Planning phase begins. Check private DM's and upload you Trademarks presentation. Texts and any Images can be used.
- Use !done to end planning phase.
- Presenting phase begins. Use !next to move to the next presenter/next slide.
- Voting phase begins. Use !vote to vote for the player with the best solution for their problem.
- Members that can Manage Channels can end and restart a game halfway through using !restart
!wisdom :)
Scale it up so that the bot can run multiple simultaneous games on different servers.