This current project's purpose was to use (MBTA) JSON data to populate a Mapbox API every 15 seconds, to illustrate each bus stop from MIT to Harvard. Some of the changes that were made are; the button is now 3-D and a different color, I changed the color of the marker to white and finally I chose a different map style offered by Mapbox.
1. Download the following files: -Index.html -Styles.css -mapAnimation.js
Open the "Index.html" file, insert your own API token in the (mapboxgl.accessToken = ' ')
Save changes on your Editor, Drag and Drop the HTML file onto your browser and the map should load, along with the button to show the bus stops!
In the future I would like to incorporate more styling into my projects; possibly a different marker, more 3-D animation or visuals, and other minor details that help a project stand out!